Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders  

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    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders

    Published by Category: General Tips
    01 Apr 2018
    Designer Media Ltd

    When I was using Windows 7 I used Mouse without Borders, After updating to Windows 8 I forgot all about it Now that I am running Windows 10 I have found it again and it works great.

    What is Mouse without Borders
    Mouse without Borders is a product that makes you the captain of your computer fleet by allowing you to control up to four computers from a single mouse and keyboard. This means that with Mouse without Borders you can copy text or drag and drop files across computers.



    Supported Operating System
    Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista,
    Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP SP3. (32/64 bit).

    Download and run the installer on each of your machines. The Mouse without Borders setup experience will be launched after installation. Follow the instructions to configure Mouse without Borders. NOTE: The same version of Mouse without Borders must be run in the machines.

    On the computer you want to connect to click NO

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-lets-get-started.png

    Note the Security code and computer name

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-almost-done.png
    On the computer that you want to use the mouse to control the other computer click YES,
    Fill out the security code and computer name. Then click LINK

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-just-one-more-step.png

    Your computer will try to find the other computer

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-linking.png

    If everything goes right you should get this Click NEXT

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-success.png

    Click DONE

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-all-done.png

    Click apply and your done

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-mouse-without-boarders-settings.png

    You can now close the settings window.

    Moving your mouse to the left or right side of your monitor it will keep on going to your other computer. Another cool feature of Mouse without boarders is that you can use keyboard commands and shortcuts.

    Note: If you see this

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-sorry.png

    Check that both computers are connected together and on the same subnet (IE: 192.168.0.x and 192.168.0.y)

    You can also try adding the other computers IP

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-add-ip.png

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Does anyone know of a fix for the issues with this product in WIndows 10?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    I am using Mouse Without Borders on 4 PC's linked together to 3 monitors with one mouse and keyboard and it works perfectly. The main machine is running Windows 10 1703 15063.332 and the others are running Windows 7 Ultimate. Works flawlessly. Version of Mouse without Borders is 2.16. 1027. I have been using the software for years with no problems.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit

    Thanks mate,this is what i need
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 114
    Windows 10 Edu

    Worked great for a long time for me too. However, copy/paste only works in one direction now. the copy buffer is not being filled across the LAN from the other PC. The copy buffer on the local PC is correct, it's just not being sent to the other PC. In the other direction however, the copy buffer comes across. Some have suggested that's a problem due to antivirus. Both run MSE and I've tried with MSE off.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 10,929
    Win10 x64

    I had forgotten about this program since I was only using one PC for the last few years. I rebuilt old parts into a 2nd PC other day and had been using teamviewer to work on it . I remembered this today and boy am I glad I did. So nice to use and works perfectly still today. I was going to post a thread about this program and how great it is, but I thought I should use the search function and here is the post.

    This program is a must if you have a couple PC close to each other.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 831
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Access Denied said:
    I had forgotten about this program since I was only using one PC for the last few years. I rebuilt old parts into a 2nd PC other day and had been using teamviewer to work on it . I remembered this today and boy am I glad I did. So nice to use and works perfectly still today. I was going to post a thread about this program and how great it is, but I thought I should use the search function and here is the post.

    This program is a must if you have a couple PC close to each other.
    I forgot about this program too, I'm going to give it another shot myself.

    Looks like they are still updating this program, It's now at

    Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders-mousewithoutborders.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 267
    Win 11 Pro 64

    Very useful - has its own peculiarities but on the whole it works.

    But I wonder? Does one PC have to be designated as a master? Or can I use either mouse seamlessly. In other words, if both mice are connected to their "own" computers, can either of them control the other without a special setup option?

    I also wonder if the second one to be switched on can be logged into using the first keyboard. Or do both have to have their own active keyboards for that initial user/password input?


      My Computers

  9. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    Snugglebugs said:
    Very useful - has its own peculiarities but on the whole it works.

    But I wonder? Does one PC have to be designated as a master? Or can I use either mouse seamlessly. In other words, if both mice are connected to their "own" computers, can either of them control the other without a special setup option?

    I also wonder if the second one to be switched on can be logged into using the first keyboard. Or do both have to have their own active keyboards for that initial user/password input?


    Working both ways I'm using it for some time now.

    Edit: working for logging in too. I'm only using second mouse to wake computer from sleep..
      My Computers


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