Brink, Hello Shawn - please note the following negative side effect I've discovered of doing this tutorial. You may want to address it in a red box in the OP if you confirm the same behavior. The OP is about setting the key in #2 below to 1 to disable online search results.
If you are looking for Windows Search Results to show a dark background and your Windows 10 2004-thru-21H2 is set for dark mode, then you may be interested in the following as I finally figured out an issue causing me to not see dark mode search results.
1. In the registry folder
if you have key "CortanaConsent" and it is set to 0, you must change it to 1
2. In the registry folder
if you have key "DisableSearchBoxSuggestions" , it must be set to 0.
If you change any of those values, you must either reboot or End Task "Search" from Task Manager to make the change take effect, then try a search again to see if you have dark background in the search results window.
If you don't have those folders and respective keys, don't do anything.
After I changed those keys, my search results have a dark background and if I change either of the keys, Windows Search results background becomes white/light again.
The reason I had those registry keys was because I followed tutorials to disable Internet/web search results from being shown in Windows Search results - but those mods, it turns out, were preventing Windows Search results from being displayed with a dark background. This testing was done on Windows 10 2004 Home.