Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10  

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10

    How to Install CentOS Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machine in Windows 10
    Published by Category: Virtualization
    07 Oct 2014
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Install CentOS Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machine in Windows 10

    Note   Note
    A working and quite nice alternative for dual booting is to install various operating systems on a virtual machine. CentOS is officially supported by Microsoft as a guest OS for Hyper-V and is nicely integrated when installed. Since CentOS version 6.4 the Linux Integration Services (LIS) for Hyper-V have been included in CentOS, making the use of it on a virtual machine much easier.

    About LIS:

    Microsoft said:
    Hyper-V supports both emulated (“legacy”) and Hyper-V-specific (“synthetic”) devices for Linux virtual machines. When a Linux virtual machine is running with emulated devices, no additional software is required to be installed. However, emulated devices do not provide high performance and cannot leverage the rich virtual machine management infrastructure that the Hyper-V technology offers. To make full use of all benefits that Hyper-V provides, it is best to use Hyper-V specific devices for Linux. The collection of drivers that are required to run Hyper-V-specific devices is known as Linux Integration Services (LIS).
    Linux Integration Services v35.pdf

    Although there are more suitable Linux distos for beginners, CentOS is easy enough to install and use with very basic knowledge of Linux. The native integration components and services make it an ideal guest for Hyper-V.

    CentOS on Wikipedia: CentOS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Before starting you need to download the CentOS 7 ISO image: Download CentOS (version 7 is the latest at the moment this tutorial is written).


    Part One

    Create a new virtual machine

    1.1) If you have not set up Hyper-V do it now as told in Hyper-V tutorial Part One through Part Three
    1.2) Create a new virtual machine as told in Hyper-V tutorial Part Four with following settings (steps here referring to respective steps in Hyper-V tutorial):

    • Step 4.5 > If you have less than 4 GB RAM on your host, assign the vm 1 GB (1024 MB) and unselect Use Dynamic Memory. When Dynamic Memory is enabled CentOS uses quite a lot of RAM and can slow down your host system. I recommend enabling Dynamic Memory only if you have more than 4 GB of RAM
    • Step 4.6 > Select Not Connected
    • Step 4.7 > If you will only use your CentOS for some simple testing, surfing and so on, an 8 to 10 GB virtual hard disk is enough, I recommend 20 to 30 GB
    • Step 4.8 > Use the CentOS ISO file you downloaded
    • Come back to this tutorial after Step 4.9

    Part Two

    Configure temporary network access

    2.1) To be sure CentOS has network connection during the installation we use a virtual legacy network adapter. Right click your new CentOS vm in Hyper-V Manager and select Settings
    2.2) Remove the network adapter:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_15h39_21.png

    2.3) Still in vm settings, select Add Hardware on left pane, select Legacy Network Adapter and click Add:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_20h00_49.png

    2.4) Select an existing external switch, click OK to save changed settings:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_20h05_42.png

    Part Three

    Configure CentOS

    3.1) Double click your CentOS vm in Hyper-V Manager to open the Virtual Machine Connection window, click Start button to boot the vm. Alternative method to start a vm, see the Hyper-V tutorial Part Four Step 4.10

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_20h13_21.png

    3.2) Press I (letter i) followed by Enter to start setup:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h17_57.png

    3.2) First message you will get is an error message: Fast TSC calibration failed. No worries this is totally OK; as CentOS has not had any chance to connect to time servers to calibrate time, this message will be shown. CentOS setup continues after a short while
    3.3) Select the installation language you want CentOS to use:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_15h42_18.png

    3.4) Installation Summary screen will be shown. We need to do something for those five items marked in below screenshot, starting with Network & Hostname (#1). Click it to enter Network and Hostname settings:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h08_59.png

    3.5) Switch connection ON (#1), name your Host (#2), wait until you see that it's connected (green highlight in screenshot), click Done:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h29_02.png

    Note   Note
    The Hostname can only contain characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, hyphens (-) and periods (.). Parts between two periods must contain something (two periods in a row not allowed) and cannot start or end with a hyphen.

    3.6) Back on Installation Summary page click Date & Time to select your region, set timezone and time format as shown in screenshot below, click Done (top left) when done:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h34_35.png

    3.7) If you use another input language (keyboard layout) than the default for the language you are installing, click Keyboard on Installation Summary page. Select your input language as shown in screenshot (don't panic, I'll explain all those arrows and numbers :)):

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_15h44_29.png

    1. Click the + button to open language list
    2. Select your desired input language
    3. Click Add
    4. Move your preferred input language to top of the list with arrow buttons
    5. Click Done

    3.8) Back on Installation Summary page, select Software Selection. You can of course select any setup you want to, screenshot shows my recommnedation. Click Done when you have selected your packages:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_15h57_14.png

    3.9) Once again back on Installation Summary. Click Installation Destination, accept default partitioning settings by clicking Done:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h32_40.png

    Part Four

    Install CentOS, create users

    4.1) Start installation by clicking Begin Installation:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_21h35_15.png

    4.2) While CentOS installs we can set the root password and create a user account. Root in world of Linux is a rough equivalent of built-in administrator in Windows, the almighty user allowed to do whatever. The root password and at least one user account must be created for installation to complete.
    4.3) Click Root Password:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h42_25.png

    4.4) Set the root password, click Done when ready:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h43_48.png

    4.5) Next your personal user account. Click User Creation:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_16h44_53.png

    4.6) Enter your preferred credentials, do not forget to make your account administrator (highlighted), click Done when ready:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_21h59_31.png

    4.7) Now just wait installation to complete. It can take some time, installing now to get screenshots for this tutorial it took over half an hour on quite a powerful host computer, mostly because all the packages I selected to install (Part Three Step 3.8). When installation is done click Reboot:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_17h35_50.png

    4.8) After the reboot you have to accept the EULA. Click License Information:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_17h39_16.png

    4.9) Accept the EULA, click Done:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_17h40_00.png

    4.10) Click Finish Configuration:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_17h41_48.png

    4.11) Kdump is a program to collect information in case of crash. It can help in analyzing crashes but requires some of system memory. I recommend enabling Kdump but the decision is yours. Click Forward when you made your selection:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_17h43_06.png

    4.12) When finally on desktop you don't have network connectivity. To fix this we need first to shutdown the vm:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_23h13_48.png

    4.13) Wait until the shutdown progress indicator is all green and shutdown succeeded, then open vm settings from File > Settings:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_23h25_15.png

    Part Five

    Configure network access

    5.1) In vm settings, select the Legacy Network Adapter we set up in Part Two and click Remove:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_23h42_16.png

    5.2) Select Add Hardware > Network Adapter (not the Legacy adapter we used earlier!), click Add:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_23h43_04.png

    5.3) Select the Network Adapter you just added, connect it to an existing external switch (see Hyper-V tutorial Part Three), click OK to save the settings:

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_23h44_07.png

    Part Six


    Boot the vm, enjoy your newly installed CentOS Linux :).

    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-2014-10-07_23h36_14.png

    If you have any questions do not hesitate to post them in this thread.


  1. Posts : 803
    10 Pro Preview x64

    Nice tutorial. Note that if you want to change the screen resolution use this (changing the resolution to what you want).

    grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="video=hyperv_fb:1440x900"
    It is maintained when kernel is updated too and also works in CentOS 7 minimal (version with no GUI).
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27,396
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    @Kari I have it up and running
    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-image-004.png
    The installation is a tiny bit more involved than Ubuntu or Windows, but, your tutorial brought me through unscathed
    I'm letting it update first now, then I will sync Firefox to get my add-ons and settings set for that, then I'll explore the OS a bit. I chose the Gnome desktop as I like it better personally. I like how I can also choose which packages for a desktop to install or not install, to keep space reduced to just what I need(for example I won't need office stuff)
    Only problem I have is I cannot find a way for Restricted Extras(they're codecs as in Ubuntu Restricted Extras, as flash won't play and some other codecs, be they web or music & video).
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Cliff, I thought that CentOS vm supports the enhanced mode because it also supports the generation 2 (UEFI) mode, but apparently I was wrong. It looks that the only way to get audio is to connect to your CentOS vm remotely.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,396
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    ´Codecs are a problem too (for surfing) Debian OSs have "Restricted Extras" I can download through their package manager or using Synaptic and I can install them as needed. They are the codecs like Mp3 flashplayer and so on, CentOS is RedHat based and I have no experience with it... yet, Looks like a learning curve ahead for me, good for the brain matter
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 27,396
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Hey Kari, something interesting I just found:
    at least some failures from the guest OS are given in Event Viewer!
    Hyper-V VM - Install CentOS Linux in Windows 10-image-001.png
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Yeah, CentOS and Red Hat are quite well integrated in Windows Hyper-V.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    Centos 7

    I am getting below attached error Centos 7 on Hyper-v windows 8.1 pro

    Kari said:
    Yeah, CentOS and Red Hat are quite well integrated in Windows Hyper-V.
    I am getting below error after cross grub menu:

    tsc: tsc Fast tsc calibration failed
    PCI:Fatal No config space access function found
    No controller found

    How can I fıx them ?

      My Computer


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