How to Change the Name Cortana Uses for You in Windows 10
This tutorial is no longer valid starting with Windows 10 version 2004.
Cortana is your cloud-based personal assistant that works across your devices and other Microsoft services. Depending on the capabilities of your device and the version of Cortana you’re using, Cortana can provide a range of features, some of which are personalized. Cortana on Windows is available in certain regions and languages. If Cortana isn’t available for your Windows device, you can still search for files on your device in the search box on the taskbar. Cortana is also available on other platforms, such as Android and iOS, in select markets.
Cortana works best when you sign in and let her use data from your device, other Microsoft services, and third-party services you choose to connect. To provide you with personalized experiences, Cortana learns from certain data about you, such as your searches, calendar, contacts, and location. You’re in control of how much data you share. If you choose not to sign into Cortana on Windows, you can still chat with Cortana and use her to help you search the web, documents stored in Microsoft services like OneDrive, and your Windows device. See the section about Windows Search in the Privacy Statement for more information. If you don’t sign in, or you choose to sign out, your experiences will be more limited and they won’t be personalized with your Cortana data. On iOS and Android devices, Cortana only works when you sign in.
This tutorial will show you how to change the name Cortana uses for you, or how Cortana pronounces it in Windows 10.
Here's How:
1. Click/tap on the Cortana icon on the taskbar, click/tap on the Notebook icon, and click/tap on your email address. (see screenshot below)
2. Click/tap on Change my name. (see screenshot below)
3. Type in a name you want Cortana to call you, and click/tap on Enter. (see screenshot below)
4. Click/tap on the play button to see how Cortana will say your name. (see screenshot below)
5. If it sounds good to you, then click/tap on Sounds good, and go to step 7 below. (see screenshot below)
6. If it doesn't sound good to you, then click/tap on That's wrong. (see screenshot below)
A) Click/tap on the mic icon, and say your name how you want Cortana to pronounce it. (see screenshot below)
B) Click/tap on the play button to see if it sounds good to you now. (see screenshot below)
C) If it doesn't sound good, then click/tap on That's wrong, and continue with Cortana until it does sound good.
D) If it does sound good, then click/tap on This one, and step 7 below.
7. Click/tap on Done. (see screenshot below)
That's it,
Related Tutorials
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