Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10  

    Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10

    Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10

    How to Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10
    Published by Category: Security System
    23 Jun 2020
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10

    Windows Security is built-in to Windows 10 and includes an antirvirus program called Windows Defender Antivirus.

    While Windows Defender Antivirus is automatically updated via Windows Update by default in Windows 10, you may want to check what version of Windows Defender Antivirus is currently installed.

    This tutorial will show you how to find the version number for the currently installed Windows Defender Antivirus, scanning engine, and antivirus and spyware definitions (security intelligence) in Windows 10.

    Here's How:

    1 Open Windows Security.

    2 Click/tap on Settings (gear icon) in the left pane of Windows Security, and click/tap on the About link in the right pane. (see screenshot below)

    Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10-windows_defender_antivirus_version-1.png

    3 You will now see the Antimalware Client Version (Windows Defender Antivirus), Engine Version (Scanning Engine), Antivirus Version (virus definitions), and Antispyware Version (spyware definitions). (see screenshot below)

    Find Windows Defender Antivirus Version in Windows 10-windows_defender_antivirus_version-2.png

    4 When finished, you can close Windows Security if you like.

    That's it,

  1. Posts : 17,083
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    In addition, if you want to retrieve the WD version & version installation date in a script so that the data can be used elsewhere, you can use this batch file
    - Note that this version closes at the end because I use it as a subroutine for other scripts that use the variables it sets.
    - If you want to see the data then just remove the :: before Pause on the last line.
    - In the same vein, if you were keen to simplify the things that are shown onscreen, you could put @ before the pair of echo commands

    :: Simplify the command line prompt for ease of comprehension during testing
    prompt $g
    Title ShowWDVersion-Path-DLM
    :: Initialisation
    Set CoreWDPath=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform
    :: Get latest version
    :: search for the latest subfolder in %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform
    :: It processes all subfolders in sequence so that last one to be set is the latest one
    set GetLatestVersionPath="dir "%CoreWDPath%" /ad /od /b"
    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN (' %GetLatestVersionPath% ') Do Set LatestVersion=%%i
    ::Get latest version installation date-time
    :: Use For looping once-only on the CorePath by escaping the For loop with a GoTo
    for /f "skip=7 tokens=1,2 delims= " %%A in (' dir "%CoreWDPath%"  /ad /o-d ') do (Set LatestVersionDateTime=%%A %%B) & (GoTo :EndForDateTime)
        echo Latest version is %LatestVersion%
        echo Latest version was installed %LatestVersionDateTime%
    ::Pause at EndShowWDVersion to look at results

    My current results happen to be
    Latest version is 4.18.2001.10-0
    Latest version was installed 28/02/2020 08:55

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,083
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    Also in addition, if you want to retrieve the WD definitions version in a script so that the data can be used elsewhere, you can use this batch file
    - This batch file has to be run as Admin
    - Note that this version closes at the end because I use it as a subroutine for other scripts that use the variable it sets.
    - If you want to see the data then just remove the :: before Pause on the last line.
    - In the same vein, if you were keen to simplify the things that are shown onscreen, you could put @ before the echo command

    ::::: Initialisation :::::
    prompt $g
    Set WorkingFolder=%Temp%
    ::::: Create a MpSigStub.log copy that can be read :::::
    copy C:\Windows\Temp\MpSigStub.log "%WorkingFolder%"
    :: This file format cannot be read so convert it using Type
    CD /D "%WorkingFolder%"
    type MpSigStub.log >CurrentMpSigStub.txt
    ::::: Find the most up-to-date entry containing the definitions version [this is in the last found line] :::::
    ::::: sample line  AV delta VDM: 
    Set SearchText= AV delta VDM:
    Set SearchFile=CurrentMpSigStub.txt
    for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%N in ('findstr /i /b /C:"%SearchText%" "%SearchFile%"') do (Set WDDefs=%%N)
    ::::: Extract the definitons version from that most up-to-date entry :::::
    :: Step through replacing up to and including spaces in the variable value - rather than using tokens to achieve the same result
    Set WDDefs=%WDDefs:* =%
    Set WDDefs=%WDDefs:* =%
    Set WDDefs=%WDDefs:* =%
    Set WDDefs=%WDDefs:* =%
    Set WDDefs=%WDDefs:* =%
    :: Remove the space always found at the end - by replacing space anywhere because doing so is now appropriate
    Set WDDefs=%WDDefs: =%
    :: Remove temporary working files
    del "%WorkingFolder%\MpSigStub.log"
    del "%WorkingFolder%\CurrentMpSigStub.txt"
    echo The definitions version is %WDDefs%
    ::Pause at End of ShowWDDefinitionsVersion to look at results during testing

    My current result happens to be
    The definitions version is 1.311.319.0

      My Computer


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