[info]Microsoft is slowly deprecating Skype for Business, the application we used earlier for TenForums Live online meetings. It will be replaced with Microsoft Teams.
This tutorial will show how you can join TenForums Live team using Microsoft Teams web app or free desktop app to participate in our online meetings and webcasts, or to just chat with your fellow Ten Forums members.
Please notice that you will remain totally anonymous, to join we will grant you temporary YourSelectedUsername@TenForums.onmicrosoft.com credentials which reveal nothing about your true identity.
When signing in first time, you will need a minute or two to set up your account, but this will only be a one time "waste of time"
If you want to, you can download the free Microsoft Teams app. However, this is not necessary. All features are also available in web app (Edge and Chrome only).
Please notice that all future Ten Forums Live Webcasts can also be joined without joining our TF Live team, even if you are a not registered here as a forums member. Guest users will have full access to shared content, audio and video but can't participate in IM chat. Link to each TF Live Webcast will be posted on forums usually half an hour before start,
For full features, joining the TF Live team is necessary.
Part 1: Get team credentials
1.1) To join the TenForums Live team, post in this tutorial thread "I want to get TF Live team credentials, please". You can also PM me to request credentials. I will then PM you your YourSelectedUsername@TenForums.onmicrosoft.com credentials with a temporary password. Please notice that it might take up to 48 hours before you will get the PM.
The YourSelectedUsername part in credentials will be replaced with your Ten Forums username.
Part 2: First time sign-in (Teams app)
2.1) In Teams app, sign out from your current Teams account, and sign in using your new
YourSelectedUsername@TenForums.onmicrosoft.com credentials.
2.2) You will be asked to change your password, the temporary password you got in PM is only valid for first sign-in and must be changed:
2.3) Microsoft Teams has quite tight security settings. This might cause that your first sign-in does not work, and you will be shown an error. If this happens, just sign out from link shown in screenshot, and sign in again using the new password you set in step
2.4) You will be asked to add and verify security information. Click
You can now choose if you want to add security recovery phone number and email address, or remain completely anonymous:
The “
Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC” — in short, the
General Data Protection Regulation of European Union, short
GDPR, says that you as a user should know what data about you is collected, how it is stored, and how it is used.
The fact is, if you choose to add security information here, the phone number and email address you enter can and will be seen by TenForums Live team admins.
However, there's no need for you to add this information. In case you need to reset password or want your account deleted, we need no personal information from you. All we need is your chosen forums username. We can simply delete your anonymous TF Live account, and create a new one.
We strongly recommend not to add any security phone numbers or email addresses shown in previous screenshot. This data is not needed for you to join TenForums Live webcasts, nor can your anonymous YourChosenUsername@tenforums.onmicrosoft.com account be misused.
To help us to comply with GDPR, please select Cancel when security information is asked. Do not add any phone number or email addresses.
2.5) OK, security set up, you are almost done. Enter the name you prefer and upload an avatar (not required), and you are ready to go:
2.6) Start by checking the
team Wiki, it will be constantly updated showing tips and tricks in using Teams:
2.7) In
General channel, sign in to
Ten Forums to be able to browse forums in Teams:
2.8) A Team in Microsoft Teams can have multiple channels. For each
TenForums Live Webcast, we will create a new channel. Outside our scheduled webcasts, please use the
Off topic channel to chat / talk with your fellow members:
2.9) When you want to, you can also switch to
TF on Twitter and
Insider on Twitter channels to see their respective live Twitter feed:
Part 3: First time sign-in (web app in Edge or Chrome browser)
3.1) Using Edge or Chrome browser, go to
Office Portal, and sign in using the TenForums Live team credentials you got in a PM.
3.2) Go through steps 2.2 to 2.4 as told above in Part 2.
3.3) When signed in to Office Portal, select Teams web app:
3.4) Go through steps 2.5 to 2.9 as told above in Part 2.
That's it! Welcome to Ten Forums Live