OK, the TenForums Live team is now GDPR compliant. See tutorial step 2.4 for more information.
Regarding GDPR, fellow TenForums Live team member asked about why not use Skype instead of Microsoft Teams for our live webcasts and meetings:
European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be taken seriously. Using Skype for these meetings, we would need at least member's Skype account email. By using Teams, everything remains totally anonymous, GDPR compliant. Any TenForums member or guest can join webcasts and meetings as guest simply by clicking the link to meeting and selecting any temporary username:
Anonymous guests can only use browser to join meetings. They can see and hear everything in meetings, but might not be able to use webcam and participate in chat.
Those members who want full Teams features need to sign up for Teams Free and download the app. When done, post in this thread telling that you want an anonymous account, and what username you want to use. For this account, no personal data is required, your identity is safe and not revealed even to team admins. I will then PM the temporary, anonymous credentials to you.
Short: Using Microsoft Teams for TenForums Live allows us to remain GDPR compliant, protecting your identity and personal data.
Another concern posted this weekend on TenForums live team:
The thing is, signing up to Teams Free, you need to create so called organization. This can of course be any imaginary organization ("company") you'd prefer:
Teams app has a minor bug that resets for instance the theme to default when you sign out from your own organization and sign in to another, like TenForums Live. Only way around this is to use same MS account email for both organizations. When sign in credentials to all organizations you have joined are the same, all settings will be preserved when switching teams.
This brings us back to GDPR.
In case you want to use your original Teams Free MS account also to sign in to TenForums Live team, please PM me. After receiving your PM, GDPR requires I ask you to confirm it. When confirmed, we will change your TenForums Live credentials to use your email.
When doing this, you must accept the fact that your real email will then be shown to all other team members.