Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome  

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    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome

    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome

    How to Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome in Windows
    Published by Category: Browsers & Email
    11 Jun 2019
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome in Windows

    In Google Chrome, you can enable or disable a flag for an experimental feature to be able to quickly mute or unmute a tab by clicking on the speaker icon (audio indicator) directly on the tab instead of having to right click on the tab and click on "Mute site" or "Unmute site".

    This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable being able to quickly mute and unmute a tab playing audio in Google Chrome by clicking on the speaker icon on the tab for your account in Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.

    warning   Warning
    This flag setting is no longer available starting with Google Chrome 71.

    EXAMPLE: Mute tab in Google Chrome
    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome-mute_tab_in_chrome.jpg Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome-mute_tab_icon_in_chrome.jpg

    Here's How:

    1. Open Google Chrome.

    2. Copy and paste the link below into the address bar of Chrome, and press Enter.


    3. Select Disabled (default) or Enabled for the Tab audio muting UI control setting you want. (see screenshot below)

    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome-chrome_tab_audio_muting_ui_control-1.jpg

    4. Click/tap on the RELAUNCH NOW button at the bottom to apply. (see screenshot below)

    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome-chrome_tab_audio_muting_ui_control-2.jpg

    That's it,

  1. Posts : 301
    Windows 10 Enterprise x64 (Insider)

    Things have changed as of v71, inexplicably:
    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome | Tutorials
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,205
    WINDOWS 10 Pro x64 build 19042.685

    rseiler said:
    Things have changed as of v71, inexplicably:
    Peter Kasting explained in Reddit the reasons for this:

    "The official reason is a combination of a large number of factors, but primarily that this is a symptom band-aid that doesn't address the underlying problems that lead to people wanting to mute tabs, and we should be spending our time addressing those problems. Contributing factors include potential dataloss risk, code complexity, behavioral complexity, and confusing interactions with mute-whole-site capabilities that the general userbase finds more compelling.

    The functionality of muting an individual tab still remains accessible to extensions, which can mute tabs on-demand or automatically in response to heuristics; the intent is that extension developers provide options here beyond what are built in"

    "Clickable tab mute was used by a tiny sliver of the userbase, in part because it was never a shipped feature. It was the absolute opposite of "widely used". Do keep in mind that r/chrome is highly nonrepresentative of the general userbase.

    As to why this was pulled, the rationale has been posted repeatedly, and it has nothing to do with muting ads, but I can't stop you from choosing to believe whatever you want. I can say that as the person who argued for shipping this feature by default and lost, I was involved in the discussions with the actual decision-makers, so my claims about why this was not shipped are firsthand"

    Besides, this feature was never officially implemented in Chrome, it could only be enabled using a flag and we have to keep this in mind:

    P. Kasting: "Flags aren't options. Flags are for developer debugging only. End users are not supposed to enabled them, and can only even access them at all because sometimes we need to get a user to test something in the field. The only reason we have a flags page at all is because that's the only way to toggle the underlying debugging options on Chrome OS. We've made several moves over the years to try and make "don't touch these" clearer, but they haven't worked. People just post things on the internet about enable this flag and it makes everything better, and then when we remove it, they get angry."
    Last edited by LEOPEVA64; 23 Dec 2018 at 17:35.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    You have to mute the tab by right click.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    Edwin said:
    You have to mute the tab by right click.
    Let me elaborate...

    First, you'll need to disable the Sound content setting flag, so that you have Mute tab when you right click instead of Mute site...

    More to come......
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    It seems they've abandoned the Tab Audio Muting experiment, for whatever reason, and are focusing on a new experiment - Manage audio focus across tabs...
    where audio/media from a previous tab is auto-muted, in the background, when opening another...

    Enable or Disable Tab Audio Muting in Google Chrome-2018-12-23_18-52-50.jpg

    You have to enable the experiment, though
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,067
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Edwin said:
    It seems they've abandoned the Tab Audio Muting experiment, for whatever reason, and are focusing on a new experiment - Manage audio focus across tabs...
    where audio/media from a previous tab is auto-muted, in the background, when opening another...
    You have to enable the experiment, though
    That actually sounds like a very nice idea ... that should've been implemented in Chrome a long time ago. What took so long?
    But removing the clickable sound icon to Mute/Unmute tabs is a downgrade and is going towards a negative direction. Very inconvenient that I have to now Right Click > Mute on the tab. It was easier and more efficient by using the left click instead. Google employees had a brain glitch. Hopefully they can fix the brain glitch so we can get this option back again.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 153
    Windows 10 64-bit

    I understand the flag has been removed now with v71. Thought of clarifying something- when i right-click on a tab (say playing YT video) and select 'mute site', the mute functionality works but not on clicking the volume icon on the tab, is it how it works now?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 72,417
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    onlytanmoy said:
    I understand the flag has been removed now with v71. Thought of clarifying something- when i right-click on a tab (say playing YT video) and select 'mute site', the mute functionality works but not on clicking the volume icon on the tab, is it how it works now?
    That is correct.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 153
    Windows 10 64-bit

    thanks for the clarification mate.
      My Computers


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