Is there a list anywhere with swipe/tap actions?
That was pretty much the only bug for me on the latest build. I may go ahead and install it again, since it still keeps my settings from the 8.1 os.
this bug needs urgent attention, particularly if your storage was previously
set to allow downloads to the phone rather than the SD, by default..
If you are approaching the limits of your phone's memory, you will be unaware that action is required
to move data onto your SD card to reserve sufficient space..
- this is most important when upgrades come along as there is often a minimum
phone memory requirement for an update to proceed.. presumably to enable space for temp install files, etc..
it is most urgent that Microsoft address this basic issue as soon as possible..
is there any setting for cortana to have it on a "listening-mode" 24/7 - or atleast is it possible to activate it hands-free somehow?