Introducing Favorites in the Microsoft 365 app for Android

    Introducing Favorites in the Microsoft 365 app for Android

    Introducing Favorites in the Microsoft 365 app for Android

    Posted: 22 May 2023

    Favoriting a file is an easy way to ensure you can always find your favorite files faster. Whether it’s a travel document, receipt, or your medical report, you can now favorite the file in the Microsoft 365 app and easily find it in the Favorites tab on the Home page.

    Additionally, if these files are stored in your OneDrive, they will be available in your Favorites on under Pinned on the desktop and web apps.

    How to try it

    Ensure that you install the Microsoft 365 mobile app from the Google Play Store and are on version 16.0.16227.20212 or higher.

    List view

    Tap on the ... menu next to any file item to open more options. Tap Favorite to favorite the file. Once you have selected Favorite on your file, a toast notification appears with a “View All” option. After tapping “View All”, the Favorites tab is opened. To Unfavorite, tap on the ... menu again and select Unfavorite.

    Favorites list view action:

    An image demonstrating available actions from the Favorites list view, including Share, Favorite, Remove from the list, and Properties (left), and the "Added as favorites - View all" toast notification (right) in the Microsoft 365 app for Android.

    Favorites QAB tab:

    An image demonstrating the Favorites tab from the Quick Action Toolbar in the Microsoft 365 app for Android.

    Card view

    Navigate to quick actions at the bottom of the file card, tap Favorite, and the file will appear in the Favorites tab.

    To remove a file from the Favorites tab, tap the Favorite button again to unfavorite. The file will no longer appear in the Favorites tab.

    File card view action:

    An image demonstrating File card view from the Favorites tab in the Microsoft 365 app for Android.

    Download the Microsoft 365 app today and keep it up to date to ensure you have the latest features and improvements. Favorites has been rolled out to users worldwide. Check it out!

    Did you know? The Microsoft 365 Roadmap is where you can get the latest updates on productivity apps and intelligent cloud services. Check out what features are in development or coming soon on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap, or view roadmap item, OneDrive: Favorite/Unfavorite files.

    Brink's Avatar Posted By: Brink
    22 May 2023


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