Nice to see this !!
Full Title: FCC Adopts Its First Rules Focused on Scam Texting
Document Type(s): News Release
Bureau(s): Media Relations
The Federal Communications Commission today adopted its first regulations specifically targeting the increasing problem of scam text messages sent to consumers.
Read more: FCC Adopts Its First Rules Focused on Scam Texting | Federal Communications Commission
The biggest problem is the ability to spoof phone numbers. If they would fully implement phone number verification one would have more confidence that the number in the Caller ID was from a trusted source. If they can't stop spoof phone numbers they could at least give someone the ability to block all numbers not verified. The new rule only addresses invalid phone numbers not valid numbers being spoofed.
Just like with scam/spam/spoof emails, this is too little too late, cause while the feds were working on phase 1 of this project, the scammers were already working on ways to defeat, or at least sidestep, whatever they put in place....![]()
The "Do Not Call" registration worked great the first year it was in effect. After the spammers realized the government wasn't enforcing it the they simply ignored it.