New Microsoft To Do app version for Android, iOS and Mac - March 8

    New Microsoft To Do app version for Android, iOS and Mac - March 8

    New Microsoft To Do app version for Android, iOS and Mac - March 8

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021

    Microsoft To-Do is a task management app to help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day. You can use Microsoft To Do to make shopping lists or task lists, take notes, record collections, plan an event, or set reminders to increase your productivity and focus on what matters to you. Microsoft To Do makes it easy to stay organized and manage your life.

    Microsoft To-Do 2.38.182 version for Android

    • We have fixed the bug with missing lists, please upgrade to the latest version and try to re-login if you still face the issue.
    • Along with some UX changes, there are app crash, sync improvements, accessibility, and talkback fixes as well.

    Source: Microsoft To-Do: List, Task & Reminder - Apps on Google Play

    New Microsoft To Do app version for Android, iOS and Mac - March 8-get_it_on_google_play.png

    Microsoft To-Do 2.39 version for iOS

    • We have fixed some bugs related to the new widgets and accessibility.

    Source: Microsoft To-Do on the App Store

    Microsoft To-Do 2.39 version for Mac

    • We have made some accessibility bug fixes.

    Source: Microsoft To-Do on the Mac App Store
    Brink's Avatar Posted By: Brink
    08 Mar 2021


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