Release date: 8/27/2020

OS version: 10.0.19041.4162 (rs_xbox_release_2008.200824-1730)

Simplified notifications
  • We’ve brought all your notifications together to make it easier to check and manage them. You’ll see them up top, highlighted with your profile color, with older notifications below if you want to access them again. As soon as you check your notifications, the number next to the bell clears, letting you know exactly what you’ve checked.

New ways to discover entertainment
  • The new Entertainment block on Xbox One showcases the latest content in movies, tv, and music across popular entertainment apps. For new Xbox owners, the Entertainment block is automatically pinned to Home. Existing gamers can scroll down to Add more > See all suggestions, select Entertainment, and add it to Home. The Entertainment content block is currently available in the following markets: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Australia.

Source: Xbox Support