No Sound

  1. Posts : 162
    Windows 10

    No Sound

    A musical instrument company has sent me an email with an attached video of the instruments
    being demonstrated.The video plays ok except there is no sound.On the Ipad it plays with sound
    and Utube videos play with no problem as do DVDs.Device manager says my speaker system is working
    properly.Can anyone help please?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,585
    Win 11

    Either the media player you are using can't play the audio file format, or you need an additional Codec to be able to play it.
    Not knowing exactly what you have I can't specifically say what you need. However, as a guess it may be you need iTunes to be able to play it since it sounds like its in an Apple audio format.

    If you want to install iTunes (its free) you can download it HERE
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 162
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for your reply,I do have I tunes installed but the only media player I have is Windows media player.
    Not sure how to play it through I tunes.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,954
    64-bit Win10 Pro Insider Build 19569

    - try QuickTime, see here:
    Download QuickTime 7.7.9 for Windows
      My Computers


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