Audio services not responding - Audio randomly stopped working

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  1. Posts : 13
    W10 x64

    Audio services not responding - Audio randomly stopped working


    My first post on the forum as Ive had it with w10 and it randomly screwing up.

    Yesterday I switch on my machine and notice the little red cross on the speaker and no sound.

    when i run troubleshooter I get the "Audio services not responding" and no fix.

    I have tried reinstalling the drivers, and also restarting the services (Windows audio etc) but nothing worked.

    How to fix Audio services not responding in windows 10 - Troubleshooter

    I have also tried rolling back to a restore point (which was a palava in itself as I had the error with Windows Apps folder and needing me to rename it).

    Im at a loss now. No idea wth is going on.

    Any ideas or help would be great!


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 44,033
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, you could try's free cautious repair tool.. a random stab, but covers some ground.

    E.g. repairs 3,4, 26,27
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 13
    W10 x64
    Thread Starter


    I tried it but no cigar
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 44,033
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Try the equivalent on your system of this (not all terms may precisely match your setup)
    Follow the below steps carefully.

    • 1. Open Device Manager: To open Device Manager, go to Settings, click on Devices, go to Connected devices, scroll down to Related settings and click on Device manager.
    • 2. Open IDT High Definition Audio CODEC: Unfold Sound, video and game controllers and double-click IDT High Definition Audio CODEC (or right-click > Properties).
    • 3. Click on Update Driver: Go to the Driver tab and click on Update Driver... (second button seen from above).
    • 4. Click on Browse my computer for driver software: After completing Step 3 a new window will pop up with two options. Choose the second option (Browse my computer for driver software)
    • 5. Click on Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer: After completing Step 4 you'll be prompted to locate a driver. Click on Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
    • 6. Click on High Definition Audio Device, click Yes: Make sure Show compatible hardware is checked. Click on High Definition Audio Device under Model, then click Yes. Do NOT use High Definition Audio CODEC or whatever is showing for you.

    Step 6 is crucial. Ignore any scary pop-ups. It works just fine and you won't end up with an exploded device.
    That's all you have to do to make it work. Enjoy horrible error sounds and music!
    (from Guide: How to Fix Audio Not Working in Windows 10 : Windows10)

    Note: as you may have found, a number of threads on this topic are unsolved.

    You may wish to consider doing an in-place upgrade repair install if no solution is found.

    Also consider the possibility of hardware failure. You could check the card is seated, cables secure.
    Last edited by dalchina; 02 Apr 2017 at 13:37.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 13
    W10 x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys, its onboard sound so unless thats fubared then I think its the software related

    I cannot find 'IDT High Definition Audio Codec' in Device Manager?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 44,033
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, it will depend on the actual hardware/driver you have hence I said
    Try the equivalent on your system of this (not all terms may precisely match your setup)

    So you will need to adapt as necessary, if you can work that out.

    Just something I came across- you can only try it, I'm afraid, no guarantees...

    You could post a screenshot of your expanded Device Manager as mentioned there.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    I had exactly the same issue and this is what solved it for me:

    This solution worked for me:

    go to start search and type cmd search will return cmd.exe right click on this and select 'run as administrator' at the prompt type:-

    net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
    press enter then type:
    net localgroup Administrators /add localservice
    press enter then type:
    press enter and restart your computer

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 13
    W10 x64
    Thread Starter


    Im afraid non of the above has worked. I have tried doing a repair install however everytime it finishes it gets into windows (and yeay I have sound!) But then BSOD's with a 'system_thread_exception_not_handled' and goes into a boot loop with startup repair unable to fix the issue and im unable to get into safemode.

    Im about to try and pre-uninstall my graphics drivers before trying the update as some searching around points the issue at them.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13
    W10 x64
    Thread Starter


    Im afraid non of the above has worked. I have tried doing a repair install however everytime it finishes it gets into windows (and yeay I have sound!) But then BSOD's with a 'system_thread_exception_not_handled' and goes into a boot loop with startup repair unable to fix the issue and im unable to get into safemode.

    Im about to try and pre-uninstall my graphics drivers before trying the update as some searching around points the issue at them.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 44,033
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, try two basic checks on your disk - you mentioned this occurred after switching on your system.

    1. Download and run Crystal Diskinfo (free) -easy to find. Gives a quick Good/caution/bad indication.

    2. Your file system integrity (I always recommend doing this before an in-place upgrade repair install)
    From an admin command prompt
    [Windows key + X, click command prompt (admin)]
    chkdsk C: /F
    Your PC will need to restart.
    Post back the result, which you can get after a restart as follows:
    How do I see the results of a CHKDSK that ran on boot? - Ask Leo!
      My Computers


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