Windows reset everything - Start menu - audio - etc?
My sons PC has just been having odd issues... this is the newest.
Booted.... it got to the lock screen (kind of) - and had the power icon in the corner. We chose restart
Seemed fine... start chrome. Froze
Force restart... start chrome. Froze.... ok chrome is messed up
Force restart... uninstall chrome - kill the settings file... re-install ok.
Start menu is missing some stuff?
Popup states drive error, restart...
restart... boots fine. chrome works... but the start menu is empty. like EMPTY of all the things he had in it.
Only shows ALL APPS, and Power, and 2 blocks (for windows store and edge)
He starts discord... audio settings are gone. He has to re-pick the devices.
Thats all we have found so far... im stumped as to what is going on?
on a side note, anyone have USB 3.0 issues with Gigabyte 990fxA-ud3?