Converting Single APE / FLAC file back into tracks with auto tagging

  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Converting Single APE / FLAC file back into tracks with auto tagging

    Hi folks

    For those that have Linux Hosts or VM's this nice FREE GUI program will convert and tag single files back into their original tracks again with the tagging info (so long as the original .cue file is there too) --plus do a lot of other things as well . APE. MP3. FLAC etc all supported.

    Program is flacon. Very fast indeed too.

    Converting Single APE / FLAC file back into tracks with auto tagging-screenshot_20200109_151750.png

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 471
    Windows 10 Pro

    A similar program exists for Windows too, it's called CueTools.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
    Thread Starter

    altae said:
    A similar program exists for Windows too, it's called CueTools.
    Hi there
    that works brilliantly too !!! -- Nice to have choices without having to pay yet another one of those "monthly subs" companies are going more and more for !!!!.

      My Computer


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