Hi guys so i recently did a clean uninstall/reinstall of my Nvidia graphics drivers after a soft lock to solve an issue and my mic is now having issues. With the exact same settings as it had before im sounding softer on things like discord and teamspeak. Checking the sound settings under communications is still on do nothing and thats for turning down regular sound.

I'm using a Audio technica USB DAC shown here
Google Image Result for https://images10.newegg.com/BizIntell/item/26/402/26-402-231/USB.png
And pairing it with a audio technica ADG1X headset. Trying to uninstall the drivers in control panel seems to do nothing, issues still there. Also for some reason it's now number 4-USB audio CODEC instead of 1 or 2-USB audio CODEC.
Does anyone have any ideas please? I even sound soft on stream now unless i literally shout.