Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD not working properly in Windows 10 Insi

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  1. Posts : 41
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD not working properly in Windows 10 Insi

    I was able to use this card with creative Daniel's K SB X-Fi Series Support Pack 4.0 drivers and the card and the associated creative software and drivers all worked flawlessly on the previous versions of insiders build.

    After upgrading to the latest build 18282 I had no sound, drivers Creative SB X.Fi Audio it is INSTALLED inside Device Manager but Creative Control Panel says THERE ARE NO SUPPORTED AUDIO ...
    Also tried install DISABLING INTEGRITY CHECKS not worked
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,318
    Windows 10

    Windows update 1803 & 1809 came to legacy a lot of audio chips , if your latest driver dates before 03/2018 your device might be subjected to be legacied (which if i remember correctly is the case since last released driver dates early 2016) .
    For those who find it iffy to work with window generic hd audio driver a downgrade to 1709 and hiding version update 1803 might be the only choice , that or researching internet for moded drivers that posters note they are version 1803 compatible .
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 41
    Windows 10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    What's look strange it's that on Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18277 (19H1) Daniel's K drivers were working as usual, same bug happened on 17074 and on later builds everything worked again. There arent any new modded drivers after SB X-Fi Series Support Pack 4.0
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,318
    Windows 10

    Well it all started with windows 1803 , they wanted to add a function where programs needed to go through a white listing page by windows before they could access sound cards , a major part is to prevent hackers from audio spying on you , when cards drivers were found to be compatible with such trend they white listed them , when not they legacied them . a huge number of cards were legacied since their manufacturers released no updates to support this feature , as of cards having its ups and downs might merely relate to this feature being still under development during that period so things were slippery .
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,585
    Win 11

    The DanielK drivers, from what I've seen, are hacked Creative (SoundBlaster) drivers. Not official drivers. I saw them back when I had an old SoundBlaster that was not supported for Vista/Win 7 (only official XP drivers). I never tried them, just moved on to new/supported sound card.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 428
    Windows 11 pro X64 latest

    1)danielK drivers are whql but with one installer have all new drivers control panels etc together.
    2)titanium hd works without drivers also with simple hd drivers form microsoft in device manager have the name hight defention audio.
    3)reinstall the daniel k drivers.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 41
    Windows 10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Tried new Windows 10 Insider Preview build 18290 and SB X-Fi Series Support Pack 4.0 but STILL NOT WORKING!
    Seems after 18xxx Windows seems x-fi drivers stopped working!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    I think you are at the mercy of the driver providers, you are after all running a beta copy of the OS, Creative are not the best company for supporting new official releases of the operating system, and are virtually unknown for them to support Beta releases. Your best hope is for the 3rd party driver support to catch up.

    Creative lost a lot of their user base at the changeover from XP to Vista, when they decided that if they did not release a Vista Driver then all there loyal users would buy new cards from them, the users did buy new cards, but not from Creative.

    Also of course the audio hardware on the motherboard, from Vista onwards has improved considerably, and for a lot of non audiophiles / High End gamers the output levels are adequate from the onboard chips so the market for bespoke cards is much smaller than it was in the XP days
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 428
    Windows 11 pro X64 latest

    Disable the core isolation if u have it enabled.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 41
    Windows 10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    It's not ofc
      My Computer


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