Intel SST Audio Device (WDM), I want 32 bit (64 bit) 192 kHz
I do have this:
Intel(R) Atom (TM) x5-Z8350 CPU @ 1.44 GHz, RAM 4 GB
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Windows 10
Control Panel / Hardware and Sound / Sound > Speakers > Intel SST Audio Device (WDM) > Properties > Advanced > 16 bit, 48 kHz
Please, I am going to use a professional music production application. However: I've foud in my Note Book this specification: 16 bit, 48 kHz for Intel SST Audio Device (WDM). This is a very low level specification. Because I need: 32 bit (64 bit) and 192 KHz.
Please, can I change this specification in my Note Book (if yes, how?) or, if not, can I exchange Intel SST Audio Device (WDM) for a better one with 32 bit (64 bit) and 192 KHz and what's the name of this new one?
Intel SST Audio Device (WDM) is an audio driver (software) ? or hardware? I suppose it is a software (a driver)? So, I could exchange it, couldn't I?
If yes, please, what's the name of this new one I should look for? Any idea where I could find it? Please a link.
Many thanks.