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  1. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909


    I have Windows 10 pro and use Chrome. I therefore can use the Google calendar.
    I also have a Galaxy S5 with its own calendar. It is nice because it has finger hovering to read small print.
    I also have email so have an Outlook calendar.
    Is there way I can sync my phone(unknown brand) calendar with my PC? I read some calendars cannot be synced.
    I have read the tutorials.

    Thank you
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi maranna.

    Is your chrome calendar associated with a gmail account? ( You sign into chrome.)

    What OS is your phone running?

    If you have a gmail account that holds your G calendar and your phone runs android is it safe to assume your gmail account is on phone? Is your outlook ( account on phone.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    My phone has marshmallow and I do sign in to chrome with gmail. is on the phone
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Okay so its android. Open the calendar app on phone. (Now I don't have an android so... )

    You want to get into the settings or tools for calendars. On older androids you would drag up from bottom, on newer I think there are three bars upper left.

    What you are looking for is what calendars the phone should display. It might be set on phone, you would tap gmail, assuming you added Gmail account to phone. There could also be an option to display calendar from Outlook.

    If my directions are wrong you can search Google on "How do I set which calendar to display on Marshmallow android".

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    I was told to sign in with Gmail on both devices so I will try both. I know what you mean about.
    Prior to marshmallow other calendars was quite easy but I will see.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Great. Signing into Chrome is different than adding Gmail account to phone. Do you get gmail on your phone?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    I see both G calendar and the stock one with same data on the phone. G does not have hovering feature but may come in handy if I decide to get an iPhone.
    However, I do not see any functional calendar on the desktop either or google calendar. I have google set to sync..
    I'd give thumbs up but when I try it says I must spread more.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Okay, when you are in your gmail account click on the nine squares in the upper right corner, the waffle. This will open a set of icons. One has a "31" on it, should look like icon on phone. Click and it opens you gmail calendar.

    In ( (or hotmail or MSN) click on the waffle in the upper left corner. It opens icons. The calendar should be there.

    Gmail will be easier to sync but both should be doable.

    Sorry to hear the thumbs up is restricted, that;s technology for you.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    I have tried as you say with both calendars.
    No information from the phone goes to the desktop; it is odd that even the google calendar does not sync.
    I have the phone set to sync the calendar.
    I will just use my phone's calendar to keep it simple and thank you.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    I did not want to keep bothering you so I sort of signed off -sorry.
    I am still trying to sync my google calendar with the desktop.
    I opened chrome on the phone and accessed the google phone that way. I click on google calendar via chrome on the PC too. They were both in front of me but the entries from the phone were not on the calendar on the phone.
    if you are still willing can you help.
    How can 2 calendars signed in via chrome and look the same not be synced if sync is checked?
      My Computer


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