Why does Photos not look a Windows Program?

  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 10

    Why does Photos not look a Windows Program?

    I sometimes use Windows Photos to edit and crop Photos.
    I would like to know why Windows have changed the whole Interface for Photos in Windows 10.
    Now the background is black and the Menus are on the top right.

    I always thought that MS enforced strict rules on software manufacturers so that all Windows programs had the same look and feel.

    What do you think?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33,731
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Digmen1 said:
    I always thought that MS enforced strict rules on software manufacturers so that all Windows programs had the same look and feel.
    They do, but Photos is one of the new generation of UWP (Universal Windows Platform) Apps, introduced in Windows 8 as 'Metro' apps. This is now the standard layout for a UWP App. Compare it to some of the other Microsoft-supplied Apps such as the Store or Edge, they all have the 'three dots' menu top right.
      My Computers


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