Can't validate progams after Windows 10 Reset

  1. Posts : 22
    Windows 10

    Can't validate progams after Windows 10 Reset

    I was having a problem with Microsoft windows updates not working on my computer. The update would be applied and then rolled back. So I thought that I could cure this by doing a Reset. I did the version that kept my data files.

    The reset has worked as advertised, I think. At least the updates can now be successfully applied.

    However, I have two pieces of software that I have tried to reinstall. The installation works but when I try to verify that I am a valid user of the software, the validation fails. When I did the Reset, I did not uninstall the software first. I am thinking now that this was probably a mistake. So is it possible that there are bits and pieces of the old install still hanging around that are preventing the proper re-installation of the software after the Reset. If this is the case, how do I verify this is the case and how do I fix it.

    Thanks for your help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    What software it should all just work without a reinstall
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    That only works for software provided by Microsoft that comes with or as a result of having Windows 10. Software that is purchased separately must be reinstalled.
      My Computer


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