Can't enter data in EPM upgrade

  1. Posts : 481
    Windows 10 pro 1903 1862.145

    Can't enter data in EPM upgrade

    Windows 10 Home (X64) Version 1703 (build 150615.332)HP Pavilion Desktop PC 570-pOXX

    I hope this is acceptable in this forum.

    Today I purchased the pro version of EaseUS Partition Master and, as directed, downloaded the trial edition. I received the license code both at the time of purchase and by email. When I opened the program and clicked on the Activate icon the Activation window came up with a field for entering the code. I had copied the code to the clipboard and hit ^V to enter it but no response. On Rt click there is and option to Paste, which brought no response. So I tried to type in the code manually. After several characters the field refused to accept a "-" and then some other characters. So the entry failed.

    I rebooted, disabled all of my startup programs and tried again. No joy.

    Now, I know that EPM is popular and many others have successfully installed it. I did leave a message with Easeus support, who have gone home for the night, but perhaps the problem is with my os.

    What might cause paste (^v) not to work? Is it possible that the license code contains weird characters? I can paste it into Notepad easily. Here's an excerpt: "“N1UP-147|". I do note the curly quotes, but they are acceptable to Notepad.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 481
    Windows 10 pro 1903 1862.145
    Thread Starter

    I'll mark this as Solved, although it isn't quite. Easeus support says they will set up a remote session and I agreed. Don't know when.
      My Computer


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