installing onedrive

  1. Posts : 176
    microsoft windows 10

    installing onedrive

    I uninstalled one drive but now I want to use it,,,I got the icon back onto the task bar and clicked it and it asked me to sign in with my email which I did and then a message came on the screen saying it was loading, but thats all it did just the message saying it was loading and after an hour I gave up. I tried again and the same happened so I hope someone can tell me the problem please.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 182
    Win 10 rs1 - build 14393.1944
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 182
    Win 10 rs1 - build 14393.1944
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,865

    donnylad said:
    I uninstalled one drive but now I want to use it,,,I got the icon back onto the task bar and clicked it and it asked me to sign in with my email which I did and then a message came on the screen saying it was loading, but thats all it did just the message saying it was loading and after an hour I gave up. I tried again and the same happened so I hope someone can tell me the problem please.
    How did you uninstall it. Many people use unofficial methods that often are a one way street.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 176
    microsoft windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Gordon I did as you suggested and that did it.
      My Computer


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