Windows Movie Maker and alternatives

  1. Posts : 189
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    Windows Movie Maker and alternatives


    1) WMM is still working on Win10 CU?

    2) There is a newer version (also another name) from MS?

    3) There is a universal app version from MS of another version?

    4) WMM apart, do you know a similar software, that SIMPLY create a slideshow of photos and videos, transictions and music background? Please, nothing complex (as Adobe) and nothing that contains too bloat software.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    Pipppero2007 said:

    1) WMM is still working on Win10 CU?

    2) There is a newer version (also another name) from MS?

    3) There is a universal app version from MS of another version?

    4) WMM apart, do you know a similar software, that SIMPLY create a slideshow of photos and videos, transictions and music background? Please, nothing complex (as Adobe) and nothing that contains too bloat software.
    1) Yes, if you have the proper installer

    2) Not as of yet

    3) Photos is the next best 'built in' thing (Photos does a pretty good job in respect to creating Slideshow Albums etc.)
      My Computer


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