phantom app on my app list called "ms-resource:DisplayName"

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  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 Pro [Version 1703] [OS Build 16232.1000]

    phantom app on my app list called "ms-resource:DisplayName"

    I have a phantom app on my app list called "ms-resourceisplayName". I can't uninstall it. I can't find where it is linked to. How do I get rid of it?

    phantom app on my app list called "ms-resource:DisplayName"-2017-08-25.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33,201
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Silverfish2910 said:
    I have a phantom app on my app list called "ms-resource:DisplayName". I can't uninstall it. I can't find where it is linked to. How do I get rid of it?
    The All Apps list in Start is the combination of two Start lists of shortcuts, one for all users and a personal one for each user. For more details see:
    Add or Remove Items for All Apps in Start menu in Windows 10

    Hover the pointer over More > and you should see 'Open file location'. Click this and File Explorer will open at the one that contains this shortcut. You could delete this shortcut to remove this entry from the Start menu. You may need to restart explorer.exe for this to take effect (or restart the PC).
    Restart explorer.exe Process in Windows 10

    However, that just tidies up Start, it doesn't uninstall anything. Have a look at the shortcut's Properties and see if this gives a clue as to what it actually is. Rather than delete it (and loose the chance to investigate further) you could move this shortcut to your Desktop.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 Pro [Version 1703] [OS Build 16232.1000]
    Thread Starter

    Bree said:
    The All Apps list in Start is the combination of two Start lists of shortcuts, one for all users and a personal one for each user. For more details see:
    Add or Remove Items for All Apps in Start menu in Windows 10

    Hover the pointer over More > and you should see 'Open file location'. Click this and File Explorer will open at the one that contains this shortcut. You could delete this shortcut to remove this entry from the Start menu. You may need to restart explorer.exe for this to take effect (or restart the PC).
    Restart explorer.exe Process in Windows 10

    However, that just tidies up Start, it doesn't uninstall anything. Have a look at the shortcut's Properties and see if this gives a clue as to what it actually is. Rather than delete it (and loose the chance to investigate further) you could move this shortcut to your Desktop.
    There's nothing in the MORE option.

    phantom app on my app list called "ms-resource:DisplayName"-2017-08-28.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,530
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Looks like unsuccessfully installed APP, if you go to APP store updates do you see it there ? Can it be updated ?
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 33,201
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    CountMike said:
    Looks like unsuccessfully installed APP...
    Yes, the 'Rate and review' option only appears for Store Apps. You could try clicking that to see what it is that you are reviewing.

    The Zune folder above it in the screenshot doesn't look right either. There are ZuneMusic and ZuneVideo apps, but their friendly names that should appear on the All apps list are 'Groove Music' and 'Films & TV'.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 5,478

    Silverfish2910 said:
    I have a phantom app on my app list called "ms-resourceisplayName"]
    If you want to paste "ms-resource:DisplayName" into this forum you must edit it to say [NOPARSE]"ms-resource:DisplayName"[/NOPARSE]" or else it says "ms-resourceisplayName"

    If you want to make a smiley face it should be your option not the default grabbed from the middle of a bit of text (I think) but that is how it works. For some reason this forum thinks replacing accuracy with smileys is the way forward.

    To fix your problem uninstall the programs you don't want and do a repair install. Uninstalled apps are not added again.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 Pro [Version 1703] [OS Build 16232.1000]
    Thread Starter

    CountMike said:
    Looks like unsuccessfully installed APP, if you go to APP store updates do you see it there ? Can it be updated ?
    Bree said:
    Yes, the 'Rate and review' option only appears for Store Apps. You could try clicking that to see what it is that you are reviewing.

    The Zune folder above it in the screenshot doesn't look right either. There are ZuneMusic and ZuneVideo apps, but their friendly names that should appear on the All apps list are 'Groove Music' and 'Films & TV'.
    Sorry that I didn't mention it, but clicking on the "Rate and review" option does nothing but open up the Windows Store, but doesn't go to any specific app.

    No problem with the Zune folder. It's the Zune desktop app, not the Groove Music or Movies & TV Store apps.

    phantom app on my app list called "ms-resource:DisplayName"-zune-2-.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,478

    Uninstall it then - take your pick...

    		Write-Host "Removing default apps" -f yellow
    		ForEach ($app in $apps) {	
    			Write-Host "Removing " -noNewLine; Write-Host $app -f white
    			# Need to hide the progress bar as otherwise it remains on the screen			
    			Get-AppxPackage -Name $app -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
    			Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online |
    				where DisplayName -EQ $app |
    				Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
    			Remove-Item $appPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction 0			
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 33,201
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    As an addendum to this thread, I have several other local accounts on my machine for test purposes, standard users and administrators.

    I've just signed into my standard user account for the first time in a while and saw a ms-resource:DisplayName on the Start All aps list myself, along with several other 'ms-resource:' entries with text including words like 'Zune'.

    Clicking on 'Review' for my ms-resource:DisplayName took me to the store to review Maps, and clicking on 'ms-resource:DisplayName' did open Maps. After which, the displayed name change to the correct 'Maps'. Likewise the other ms-resource:.... entries became Groove Music, Paint 3D and various other properly named apps.

    The common factor was that all these apps had been updated since the last time I logged into that account. It does strengthen the case that yours is due to a failed install or update of a Store app.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 Pro [Version 1703] [OS Build 16232.1000]
    Thread Starter

    So, how do I identify and get rid of the failed install? Uninstall doesn't work. I suspect that it might be the old Windows Insider store app.

    And, no, it's NOT ZUNE. I just mentioned Zune because somebody thought that the desktop app folder above the OTHER category was what was being talked about
      My Computer


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