Restart app error--...mem could not be written...

  1. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    Restart app error--...mem could not be written...

    I'm sure I can resolve the particular error with the fellow that writes and supports gSyncit. With him being a one man shop, I don't want to bother him with anything more than the solution. But I'd really like to know 'why' this sort of thing occurs. I've received a similar memory error with other software through the years and the reason has maintained a mystery.

    Since the machine is closing Windows at the time I can't get a screenshot. This is my best paraphrase:
    App error
    W: gsyncit.exe
    Instruction reference at (a bunch of 0's, I think an 'x' and...) ...memory could not be written...

    In the background you can see that Windows is waiting for this program close. After clearing the memory error I then tell Windows to close gSyncit and the machine continues with the restart.

    What causes this problem?

    EDIT: I've read several threads on this message and it's clear there isn't one underlying cause--it can be many. I sent the email to Dave thinking he's likely familiar with what most likely is the cause.

    Last edited by markg2; 13 Aug 2017 at 16:03.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Along the lines of 'the underlying cause can be many', it turns out the problem is a bug in Malwarebytes. If you turn off Exploit Protection, no gSyncit problem. The Malwarebytes board is active on the problem--not necessarily the company.
      My Computer


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