Windows 10 Photos App with troubleshotings
The Photos app of windows 10 has serious problems against the viewer of windows 7, much worse and inefficient. How to repair these issues:
1-I opens a image in the "Photos", edit it on the paint, then close it and in the photos nothing changes, does not update as quickly as win7
2-In the win7 viewer I use the mouse/wheel to zoom and in the "Photos" the wheel keeps jumping photos: so why are there arrows?
3-in Photos there are bin icon/arrows fixed FROM FRONT THE PICTURE, disrupting viewing, instead of sticking to the side, need to disable it from centre
4-in win7 the viewer itself opens the paint without closing the viewer, against it no occurs in the "Photos", absurd.
5-the "Photos" editor, when opening its editor, does not allow to change the size of the image, against can do it on paint by mouse/cursor
6-no win7 the viewer memorizes the most frequent applications in a click to reopen the image as on photoshop, against in the photos need many clicks
7-When zooming on photos, there is impossible to have full screen, or full size opens and without icons, that disrupting vision, different things from the win7 viewer with it clean screen and zooming by mouse/wheel
That is, Photos is much worse than the win7 viewer
what to do?
If anybody wants the classic viewer of window 7 on your windows 10 (to reactivated it), folow this instuctions, that your best indications are the app include on it, and not large instructions to do it (passed on Norton and Mcafee):
Restore Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10 Windows 10 Apps Features Tutorials
But the questions about Photos, continues...
If anybody....
Last edited by Brink; 13 Aug 2017 at 02:06. Reason: updated link