Windows 10 Photos App with troubleshotings

  1. Posts : 23
    windows 10

    Windows 10 Photos App with troubleshotings

    The Photos app of windows 10 has serious problems against the viewer of windows 7, much worse and inefficient. How to repair these issues:

    1-I opens a image in the "Photos", edit it on the paint, then close it and in the photos nothing changes, does not update as quickly as win7

    2-In the win7 viewer I use the mouse/wheel to zoom and in the "Photos" the wheel keeps jumping photos: so why are there arrows?

    3-in Photos there are bin icon/arrows fixed FROM FRONT THE PICTURE, disrupting viewing, instead of sticking to the side, need to disable it from centre

    4-in win7 the viewer itself opens the paint without closing the viewer, against it no occurs in the "Photos", absurd.

    5-the "Photos" editor, when opening its editor, does not allow to change the size of the image, against can do it on paint by mouse/cursor

    6-no win7 the viewer memorizes the most frequent applications in a click to reopen the image as on photoshop, against in the photos need many clicks

    7-When zooming on photos, there is impossible to have full screen, or full size opens and without icons, that disrupting vision, different things from the win7 viewer with it clean screen and zooming by mouse/wheel

    That is, Photos is much worse than the win7 viewer

    what to do?


    If anybody wants the classic viewer of window 7 on your windows 10 (to reactivated it), folow this instuctions, that your best indications are the app include on it, and not large instructions to do it (passed on Norton and Mcafee):

    Restore Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10 Windows 10 Apps Features Tutorials

    But the questions about Photos, continues...
    If anybody....
    Last edited by Brink; 13 Aug 2017 at 02:06. Reason: updated link
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,436
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, first note there's no guarantee MS will keep the code for the old Photoviewer in subsequent major builds of Windows, so in principle
    Restore Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10 Windows 10 Apps Features Tutorials
    How to Make Windows Photo Viewer Your Default Image Viewer on Windows 10
    may cease to work at some point.

    (Mind you MS is only about to remove the final remnants of Winmail - the Win 7 client- from something I read a while back).

    As you know you don't have to use Photos; you can download and install anything you find on the Internet that's compatible and meets your needs. You might also find something you prefer from the Store.

    Please feel free to give your feedback to MS e.g. via the Feedback Hub app.
    Last edited by dalchina; 13 Aug 2017 at 07:23.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    While many Apps are quite innovative, most are designed for cross platform/touch devices so, some of the features don't seem to be 'Desktop' friendly.

    The Tools overlay is really annoying!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 23
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi dalchina

    You must remembre that 99% of people dont have the win7-viewer inside his windows 10, then no way to choose it, like you said in your first site, and like happened with me. Then you need include it on windows 10, by the app that shows on your second site (to download it), the one way to install it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 45,436
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Not sure what you mean. Are you saying Brink's tutorial is wrong or outdated?

    The Photoviewer is not available until the registry hack is implemented. Apparently it's a dll not an exe.

    Neither of those links refer to downloading it, rather a registry edit.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 23
    windows 10
    Thread Starter
      My Computer


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