SKYPE Question: Can My Contacts Know That I'm Actively Using Skype?

  1. Posts : 698
    Windows 10

    SKYPE Question: Can My Contacts Know That I'm Actively Using Skype?

    Hi all,

    This may seem like an odd question, but I'll explain what I mean.

    I always try to reply to my friends on Skype, but sometimes I don't have time to write well-thought out reply so I check Skype for messages from my contacts and then lock my Windows 10 PC and reply to my Skype contacts at a later time.

    The Skype app runs 24/7 on my Windows 10 PC.

    Is it possible for my Skype contacts to see that I "checked" my Skype if I didn't reply to them?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 698
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    By the way, my Skype is running the most recent updates, but it's not the "Skype for Windows 10" if that makes sense?
      My Computer


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