Old VB6 App

  1. Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    Old VB6 App

    I'm hoping I can get some suggestions for these small problems I and a few others are having with an old VB6 application which is not working properly under Win10. The vast majority of this program is working fine, just 2 (so far!) small functions are not working.
    1. The program reacts to function keys and carries out custom actions. On a laptop which assigns actions to the same keys they are not being reported to the program properly, For example F2 & F3 continue to adjust the laptop volume rather than being reported to the software. I'm unsure if this is a Windows 10 problem or one with the laptop but I'd like to find a way to stop it happening. I do suspect it's the laptop as it doesn't happen on a desktop which doesn't have these keys assigned but I don't know why this happens or how to stop it.
    2. Slightly odder. The program reacts to mouse-wheel moves, it uses them to scroll a grid on its' screen. Under Windows 8 and earlier this works perfectly but under Win10 the first move is fine (so the program gets the first wheel move and scrolls the grid one row) but after that nothing, if I click onto a different row the program again will scroll once with the mouse-wheel then nothing. This is just weird(!) and I have no idea at all what could cause it.
    This last problem does not happen on computers running earlier versions of Windows. I have tried running the program in Win7 and WinXP compatibility mode, and Admin mode, but these make no improvement.
    Any and all suggestions would be very gratefully received.
    Many thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,869

    Look in bios settings for option to invert function keys.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter


    Thanks for the suggestion, you were correct, the laptop was incorrectly setup to always action the F keys.

    As far as the Mousewheel problem is concerned, this is because Microsoft in their stupidity have changed the MW_Mousewheel message in Windows 10 so that it now goes to the Window with focus rather than the one under the mouse pointer. Exactly why they felt this change necessary I don't know, it has something to do with the original purpose of the mousewheel being to zoom rather than scroll, but it's a real pita
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,477

    Did you try playing with this setting? It is new in 10 and affects scrolling the window the mouse is over rather than the one in focus...

    Old VB6 App-capture.png

    As to why they changed it I don't know but I prefer it personally - Windows acts like all other OS now...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Interesting. My mouse setting that you showed was set to On, I changed it to Off and it seems to revert it to pre-10 ways which works fine. Thank-you!
      My Computer


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