Microsoft movies and TV app question

  1. Posts : 73
    Windows 10

    Microsoft movies and TV app question

    Is the Microsoft movies and TV app only for windows 8 or 10? I found out windows 7 works better on my netbook but I miss the Microsoft movies and TV app.
    Or is there another way to watch videos purchased from Microsoft and also another way to watch videos I got downloaded such as MP4 movies?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33,667
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Sorry, Movies & TV is a Universal Windows App, so can only run on Windows 8 and above. The VLC Media Player is a well respected free media player that can play most anything. It works fine in Windows 7 (and Windows 10, come to that).
      My Computers


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