Are Intel Rapid Storage and Intel Security assist bloatware?

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  1. Posts : 12,810
    Windows 11 Pro

    I believe Link Power Management puts your hard drive/SSD into a low power state to help battery life but in doing so can lower the performance of your hard drive or SSD.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 674
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, essenbe.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 12,810
    Windows 11 Pro

    You are welcome Bo. I may be wrong but I believe the improvement on battery life is pretty insignificant.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,252
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    I can confirm that it does have that facility but Windows also has power saving features built in.

    Maybe if your inclined one day you could do a comparison with it installed and without.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 674
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

    Appreciate your replies, swarfega. What I ended up doing is testing the effect of disabling the Link power management setting in Intel Rapid Storage. The result has been what I expected, the Warnings from iaStor Id No 129 have gone away completely. I was getting between 1 and 3 or 4 a day. And haven't gotten any in the last 25 hours.

    I am using this laptop as a desktop. I ll probably never take it out of my home. Not having the setting on probably wont matter much for me as I ll hardly ever get to use the battery. I wont uninstall Intel Rapid Storage but I ll probably keep that setting disabled.

    What about that other program (Intel security assist), What you guys think about it?

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 674
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

    FWIW, I ended up uninstalling Intel security assist. All seems well, no errors, etc. Having this program in my laptop made me nervous a little bit, as there is very little information in the internet about it, is like Intel doesn't want you to know what the program is for, and I wasn't sure what the program does (perhaps, Remote assistance). There was no UI for the program and appears to me it attempted to connect to Intel once a week. I was getting the error below in Events log once a week when the program attempts to connect, failed.


    Are Intel  Rapid Storage and Intel Security assist bloatware?-sin-titulo.jpg
      My Computer


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