How to make an application to run as admin on all PCs?

  1. Posts : 284

    How to make an application to run as admin on all PCs?

    I have a made a small software for personal use but I want to run it as an Administrator on all computers.

    Not just through Right-Click -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Run this Program as a an Administrator.

    I want it like always run this program as an administrator on all computers.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Normally if an application wishes to run with admin rights it would be specified in the programs manifest. I don't have the details of how that is done. It may be possible to do this within the program itself but some programs may not run properly or at all if this is done.

    Assuming UAC is enabled the user would need to approve running the program as admin in the UAC dialog if they are running with a normal admin level account. If they are using a standard account they would need to enter admin credentials.

    If you want the application to silently give itself elevated admin rights without user involvement, few legitimate programs do that kind of thing. Informed users will suspect your program is not and may uninstall it. This behavior is strongly discouraged.
      My Computer


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