How to Stop Windows 10 Metro Apps from Automatically Installing?

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  1. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    alphanumeric said:
    Please don't take this the wrong way! But will any of that stop them from coming back on the next build upgrade? The reinstall on a build upgrade is what pisses me, and a lot of people off.
    I meant to include that caveat in my post - I appreciate that you posted the information

    I think the All or New option does, but I'm not certain. The way the build upgrates get installed might ignore the fact that App provisioning has been removed.

    I did a clean install of 1607 so, I can't say for sure. I did an update for 1511 and the Apps were installed again.

    Yes, it is frustrating, but a single Powershell command cleans up all crApps for all users - the Store will NOT update those. You can always reinstall an App if you want it back after using the All command. I think the number of Apps people want are small enough to manage it this way.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,183
    Windows 10 IoT

    Slartybart said:
    I meant to include that caveat in my post - I appreciate that you posted the information

    I think the All or New option does, but I'm not certain. The way the build upgrates get installed might ignore the fact that App provisioning has been removed.

    I did a clean install of 1607 so, I can't say for sure. I did an update for 1511 and the Apps were installed again.

    Yes, it is frustrating, but a single Powershell command cleans up all crApps for all users - the Store will NOT update those. You can always reinstall an App if you want it back after using the All command. I think the number of Apps people want are small enough to manage it this way.

    It's all good info. I Just don't have time to test it all to see if it actually stops the reinstall. Wasn't sure what you yourself did or didn't do. It annoys me, but not enough to make me did deep in the bowels of Windows to stop it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    transplanted99 said:
    Thanks. Tried these both. Perhaps they will prevent future installs, but hard to tell so far. Now need to figure out how to uninstall.
    May have done the trick for future installs ... one month and no new apps / ads added to Metro.
      My Computer


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