Not allowed to start/open APPS in WIN 10, says wrong user. Driving me

  1. Posts : 14
    windows 10

    Not allowed to start/open APPS in WIN 10, says wrong user. Driving me

    Several Windows programs do this but also software from other places cause this error. It infuriates and angers me to no end.

    See the image I posted?

    How can I get around or avoid or stop this error??

    Please and thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Not allowed to start/open APPS in WIN 10, says wrong user. Driving me-cant-open-programs.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    By design modern Apps such as Edge do not run with the built in Administrator or any other full time admin account. The built in Administrator account was never intended for general use. The solution is to use a different account.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    LMiller7 said:
    By design modern Apps such as Edge do not run with the built in Administrator or any other full time admin account. The built in Administrator account was never intended for general use. The solution is to use a different account.
    Could you show me how to do that?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    Either you are logging in as the local administrator, which is typically disabled by default. Or you have turned off UAC, which generates the same message because UAC is required to run any Universal Applications.

    The solution is to use a normal user, or turn on UAC.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 14
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Mystere said:
    Either you are logging in as the local administrator, which is typically disabled by default. Or you have turned off UAC, which generates the same message because UAC is required to run any Universal Applications.

    The solution is to use a normal user, or turn on UAC.
    "group policy editor" and many other type things are not part of my windows 10 home edition.

    So i could only enable uac but nothing else could be done, it is like giving a paralized man crutches knowing even two crutches won't work.

    Not blaming you but is there any patches or downloads even from microsoft to give those files to us home users?

    Thanks thus far for your help.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    axelrose1969 said:
    "group policy editor" and many other type things are not part of my windows 10 home edition.
    No, that is one of the differences between home and pro/enterprise. Most everything that group policy does can be done with registry tweaks though.

    axelrose1969 said:
    So i could only enable uac but nothing else could be done, it is like giving a paralized man crutches knowing even two crutches won't work.

    Not blaming you but is there any patches or downloads even from microsoft to give those files to us home users?
    Yes, you can upgrade to Windows Pro. That will give you the tools. You are not licensed to use them in Pro, so even if you managed to get them somehow, you would not legally be allowed to use them.

    Regardless, I didn't say anything about group policy. So I don't really understand what the argument is about.
      My Computer


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