How can I save videos from Cyberlink's PowerDirector 12?
I clicked on the Cyberlink Essentials icon as I was advised and found the video editing software called PowerDirector 12. I'm using this because Movie Maker is no longer included on my computer as it was on my previous one. I finally figured out how to import a video and even how to edit out parts I don't want. But when it came to saving the final result, that's when I have a problem. It seemed simple enough: I clicked save, and then the "save" window came up and allowed me to choose the location I wanted to save it, and in what format. Then I clicked "Save" at the bottom of the window, and the window disappeared. When I went to the location it was supposed to save to, it wasn't there. I tried this repeatedly, even specifying different save locations and formats for the video. Still, I got no video to show for it.
I even found a video on youtube that gives instructions. At 1:03, it shows how to do a save. I did it this way, and I got no results after doing this. Here's the video: How to Produce (Render/Export) a Video in PowerDirector 12 - YouTube
Can someone please help me with this?