MSGTAG Status: Compatibility Mode under Win10?

  1. Posts : 824
    Win10/64 Pro 1511 (and 2 Win 7/64 Ult & Pro systems)

    MSGTAG Status: Compatibility Mode under Win10?

    Hi, all:

    Shot in the dark here re: a relatively ancient, legacy software application -- MSGTAG Status.

    Is there anyone using it under Win10?
    If so, is it necessary or advisable to run it in Compatibility mode, e.g. as a Win7 application?

    Although the program is no longer being developed, it works perfectly well under Win7.
    I do not get notifications from *all* recipient email clients. But, when I do, I get 3 types of notifications.
    Under Win10, I receive ONLY email notifications, not popups or updates to the MSGTAG "grid".

    The program is tightly integrated with both my email client (Thunderbird) and my spam-filtering/mail-sorting program (Mailwasher Pro). So it would be a minor PITB to ditch it, although I suspect that its usefulness may be coming to an end.

    If anyone happens to use MSGTAG Status, I would appreciate advice about restoring it to full function under Win10.


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Were you ever able to do any good using MSGTAG with Windows 10? or get any support?
    I can't get it to tag. I moved from XP and OE which still works on my old computer.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    WIN 10 Pro

    MoxieMomma said:
    Hi, all:

    Shot in the dark here re: a relatively ancient, legacy software application -- MSGTAG Status.

    Is there anyone using it under Win10?
    If so, is it necessary or advisable to run it in Compatibility mode, e.g. as a Win7 application?

    Although the program is no longer being developed, it works perfectly well under Win7.
    I do not get notifications from *all* recipient email clients. But, when I do, I get 3 types of notifications.
    Under Win10, I receive ONLY email notifications, not popups or updates to the MSGTAG "grid".

    The program is tightly integrated with both my email client (Thunderbird) and my spam-filtering/mail-sorting program (Mailwasher Pro). So it would be a minor PITB to ditch it, although I suspect that its usefulness may be coming to an end.

    If anyone happens to use MSGTAG Status, I would appreciate advice about restoring it to full function under Win10.


    Well, this is answering a question a couple of years later, but I can confirm that MSGTAG works 100% with WIN 10. I went from 7 to 8.1 to 10 and never stopped using MSGTAG. The sad reality is the company is basically one answers any support questions, no new development in YEARS and it now misses some minor features that would have been awesome to have. For now, it still works (surprisingly), but you cannot get any help, or change your main login ID (email address) when you start using the program. I found these posts while looking to see if there was any "new" news for the owners/programmers/software (Nov 2018, no there is not).

    Works great still and hope that always remains!
      My Computer


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