the sticky notes from WindowsInkWorkspace does not close the moment i close the workspace... it remains in the desktop.
Opened Windows Ink Workspace
Closed Windows Ink Workspace... the notes remained. they were supposed to hide when WiW is closed, right?
Not if you have Notes with content filled in.
Hover on the Notes Taskbar for the thumbnail and close Notes with that.
You can always invoke Stiky Notes from Start/AllApps without the 'Workspace'
Everyone now has the new feature for show all notes/hide all notes in the jumplist as of 3.7.106! It will let you quickly bring up all open notes. Let us know what you think!
fas fa-arrow-right...
The view of windows ink workspace just changed and disappeared from the menu, I really don't know why but I would like to have the old menu back with Stick Notes and sketchpad.
The new menu is like at the attachment.
Anyone any idea...
I've taken to using Sticky Notes recently and love them, but today I've had them crash on me for the first time and I lost some of the notes.
I'm wondering, is there some kind of modified version or something that would allow saving the notes?