Photos Won't Default To My Photo Editing Program

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Photos Won't Default To My Photo Editing Program

    I'm using a Sony a3000 camera, although I don't think that's the
    problem. When I download photos on my old computer, which is still
    running Windows7, my photos go straight to my default program,
    PaintshopPro. On my laptop, which has Windows 10, I have set PaintshopPro
    as the default, but when I connect the camera, I get a pop up to choose
    the device, either F:/ or PMHOME. When I choose F:/, I get a pop-up to
    start importing and it gives me the option where I want to import, but the photos
    end up in the Photos App in the Collections folder. I don't want to use the Photos
    app. I want them to go straight into PSP. How do I do that?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,662
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    F would actually be F:\ but what type drive is that? By default my Win10 computers see my cameras as additional drives and brings up choices where I can select File Explorer, allows choosing where I want the files and by default it's Pictures/My Pictures. Does the same with the built-in card readers using SDHC cards. I choose not to install the software that comes with the cameras as it usually doesn't do what I want, don't need Albums and such as provided by that software [the free Paint .NET does what I need]. I haven't used PaintShop Pro in several years [do have version X2 but not yet installed] but seems I remember a setting in PSP where one could choose a particular Folder for saving.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi...thanks for your input! The F:\ drive is my camera. My computer is giving me choices as to where I want to download, but only after it drops them in their Photos app. When using Win7, my PSP program is set as the default and it automatically sends the photos straight to PSP. On the computer using Win10, I have to go through way too many steps to get the photos where I want them, even though I have PSP set as the default. I was hoping to avoid that, but from what I'm seeing, I don't think I can.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 375

    Try this, connect your camera. Go to control panel, devices and printers.
    Your camera should eventually show up here.

    Photos Won't Default To My Photo Editing Program-x3.jpg
    Double click your camera

    Photos Won't Default To My Photo Editing Program-x4.jpg
    Select import pictures and videos

    Photos Won't Default To My Photo Editing Program-x5.jpg
    Click more options and you should be able to specify the "import to" location.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you so much! That was just what I needed to do! :)
      My Computer


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