Populating new PC with AutoRoute

  1. Posts : 7
    Widows 10

    Populating new PC with AutoRoute

    An existing Windows7 PC has been replaced with one having Windows 10. The current task is to copy over user data and reload the programs from the original CDs. Time consuming but achievable until we get to AutoRoute 2011 when an error message appears stating the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable is required. Helpfully the required component can be installed by clicking OK. Fine except the Setup reports that one of the prerequisite components failed to install and therefore the setup command is terminating.

    Now it is still possible to download AutoRoute 2013 in trial mode for 14 days without a hitch with that version working just fine for the 14 day trial period. Unfortunately this software was "discontinued" by Microsoft at the end of last year and it now [October 2015] appears to be quite impossible to buy an activation code to continue to use the installed software.

    It was thought that Google Maps would be a suitable replacement for AutoRoute but Google maps is simply not suitable, 'out of the box', to compute routing and mileage for HGVs. Whether it is adaptable for this task is unknown so we would really like to continue to use AutoRoute which suits our needs 100% to provide what is needed up to 40 times a day.

    Until this single issue has a solution, then for many of the PCs in use in our Company, they cannot be upgraded to Windows 10 however desirable this maybe. Whatever the reasons were for Microsoft to discontinue AutoRoute, it does seem rather odd that punters with cash in hand cannot buy a licence for software that suits their needs.

    Thoughts from forum members on this matter welcomed, even more so if you have an AutoRoute licence that we could purchase.

    David Bradley
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6
    Windows 10

    I had a similar problem, only mine was a registry entry problem. I solved it by right clicking on the program in the start menu, then "Run as administrator" it runs fine.
      My Computer


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