EXE in Startup folder not running

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  1. Posts : 32
    Windows XP

    EXE in Startup folder not running

    Just don't know if it's really worth the trouble, seems like just one issue after another.

    Latest is I wrote a program that runs on windows 10 just fine from a shortcut on the desktop. I copied the shortcut to the startup folder for my account and did all the compatibility changes so it would run. It worked fine after a few test startups but now all the sudden it no longer works.

    Not sure if MS installed any updates between it working and not working, all I know is it ain't working now.
    It shows up in task manager but really isn't running. Any ideas?


    PS: If I open the Startup folder and double click the shortcut it runs just fine.
    Last edited by BReeves; 29 Oct 2015 at 08:32.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    When you changed the compatibility settings, did you change the option to run as administrator? If so, remove it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 32
    Windows XP
    Thread Starter

    Kanata said:
    When you changed the compatibility settings, did you change the option to run as administrator? If so, remove it.
    That was the problem with it auto-starting but it doesn't work properly if it isn't ran as Administrator. I have UAC set to it's lowest setting and getting frustrated with all the "protect me" stuff we have to work around if we need a computer to do real work. Not sure if I will keep messing with it or just go back to XP which works.

    This is a program we use for a Model Airplane club webcam, it grabs images from two cameras (1 IP and 1 video) then ftp's them to a web site every 30 seconds or so. It has to access the registry, local network, files on the hard drive and the Internet all of which are protected in some way or another..
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    Try this instead. It's from a Win 7 instruction, but may be the answer for you. You may have to do it from the actual folder rather than the start menu:

    Click the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs." Right-click the "Startup" folder in the menu and select "Open All Users." This option opens the folder for all users on the computer. Choose "Explore" to open the folder for the currently logged-in user only.
    Right-click the folder or file you want started when the computer boots. Select "Copy Shortcut" from the menu.
    Right-click any white space in the "Startup" folder opened in Step 1. Select "Paste" from the menu list. The program will now open the next time you start the computer.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 32
    Windows XP
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, will play with it a little more in the morning. I only have a small window between when I get up in the mornings and when it gets light outside to play. I like to have it running anytime it's light enough outside to see anything.

    Tulsa Gluedobbers Control Line Club WebCam
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 72,432
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Hello BReeves, :)

    If the program requires to run as administrator, then that is the issue. By default, Windows will not allow any program to run elevated at startup for security reasons.

    However, you could use the tutorial below to create an elevated shortcut of this program, then place the elevated shortcut in your Startup folder. The program will then run elevated at startup without getting a UAC prompt.

    Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create - Windows 7 Help Forums
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1

    found solution

    To run a program requiring admin access at startup in Windows 10, just create a shortcut (anywhere, I used the Startup folder itself) with "run as administrator" checked, then create a short batch file in the startup folder and use the 'start' command to launch the shortcut (omit the .lnk extension and the path, else start won't work, so use 'cd' to change to the shortcut directory first). Example:

    @echo off
    cd "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    start ThrottleStop
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    BReeves said:
    That was the problem with it auto-starting but it doesn't work properly if it isn't ran as Administrator.
    In most cases, if the app needs to run as administrator to run properly, then it is doing something wrong. If the app needs admin privs, then it should be written to run as a Windows Service, and there should be a user-mode app that does not need privileges that communicates with it via sockets or pipes in order to control it. Apps that need to do things directly that require admin resources should be interactive, user-mode only applications the require the user to give permission, and these kinds of apps should be few and far between.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    My AHK script went fine in Windows 7.
    Without Administrator rights In Windows 10 can't use AHK-script in typing the install path for any application.
    Maybe Autohotkey is doing this wrong, and Windows 7 is doing this wrong,
    or maybe Autohotkey is doing this wrong, and Windows 10 is doing this right,
    or maybe Autohotkey is doing this wrong, and Windows 10 is doing this wrong,
    or maybe Autohotkey is doing this right, and Windows 10 is doing this wrong.

    Anyway, Windows 10 is another Windows 95 with lousy interface,
    and Windows Team is defective, slack and loose, and always tries to avoid legal responsibilities.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,574
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    I have the same problem with MS works calendar reminder, the .exe is listed in the startup folder but at the time specified for the reminder it doesn't show the reminder pop-up.
    Tbh this was also a problem under Win 7 & 8/8.1 but rectified it by copying the alarm/calendar reminder .exe to the startup folder, this doesn't work with 10.
      My Computer


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