DaVinci Resolve 12 Free Version - Hints; Tips; Questions; Answers

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  1. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Gary said:
    Well thanks, I tried this and it takes way to long to load and I will not install Quicktime on my machine. From what I can see it does what Camtasia does but it is free where Cantasia is not.
    QuickTime is the only con I find in using DaVinci Resolve 12. It is needed by the video editor to handle audio and media files, using Resolve 12 means you have to install QuickTime. Other than that Resolve 12 is the most comprehensive, complete free solution for video editing I have seen.

    Free download: Blackmagic Design: DaVinci Resolve 12

    And a half an hour crash course:

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 29,078
    Windows 10 21H1 Build 19043.1023
    Thread Starter

    Kari said:
    QuickTime is the only con I find in using DaVinci Resolve 12. It is needed by the video editor to handle audio and media files, using Resolve 12 means you have to install QuickTime. Other than that Resolve 12 is the most comprehensive, complete free solution for video editing I have seen.

    Free download: Blackmagic Design: DaVinci Resolve 12

    And a half an hour crash course:

    Thanks for the crash course, Kari! I've watched it before, but it never hurts to refresh myself. The further I get into the program, the more I can understand what the narrator is talking about.

    If I had to nit pick, yes, the fact that it takes a long time to load would be one. And no, I don't appreciate QuickTime either, especially since the version's older'n dirt. :) My third nit would be that I can't import the Reference Manual from PDF to Word; reasoning is that the font used is way too small and dim for my eyes to handle. So, I guess this would be only half a nit. :)

    The Pros? Well, as you said, "DaVinci Resolve is the most comprehensive, complete free solution for video editing I have seen." Free is the real pro here! No monetary output at all, and it's about as current as you can get too. The manual was finalized in September 2015.

    So it takes awhile to load, but once loaded, the program is about as snappy as anything on the market that you'd have to pay big bucks for. And yeah, it looks like even Apple has abandoned QuickTime, but it's needed for the program, so I loaded it and it's not causing any problems with my machine.

    Free is good!
      My Computer


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