Where do I go to request a movie for the Windows Store?

  1. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Where do I go to request a movie for the Windows Store?

    So I am wondering if anyone would know how to request a Movie or TV Show to add to the Windows Store, As I am from Australia, and I was going to buy as I thought it'd be easier for my little brothers to watch the movie Scooby Doo The LochNess Monster on the laptop and I noticed they didn't have it at all. I love the Movies & TV Store in The Windows Store, But I seriously would like to know where to request shows, plus I cannot seem to find reviews anywhere, seriously though even iTunes is a little easier to request/suggest TV and Movies?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Denial said:
    So I am wondering if anyone would know how to request a Movie or TV Show to add to the Windows Store, As I am from Australia, and I was going to buy as I thought it'd be easier for my little brothers to watch the movie Scooby Doo The LochNess Monster on the laptop and I noticed they didn't have it at all. I love the Movies & TV Store in The Windows Store, But I seriously would like to know where to request shows, plus I cannot seem to find reviews anywhere, seriously though even iTunes is a little easier to request/suggest TV and Movies?

    You could try the feedback app for request.
    Where do I go to request a movie for the Windows Store?-image-001.png

    As for the film you want
    Where do I go to request a movie for the Windows Store?-image-002.png

    Where do I go to request a movie for the Windows Store?-image-003.png
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for that, very helpful, I'm not sure if I get that option though?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Denial said:
    Thank you for that, very helpful, I'm not sure if I get that option though?
    It could also depend on where one lives in the world, I guess.
    Licensing and all.
    For example here in Germany it has to go through GEMA(Society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights)they represent artist and actors and make sure they get there fair share, but it does restrict streaming media here, that doesn't have a contract with them
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    I see, well thank you, it seemed to have worked, let's hope they'll fill in the request :) and ignore any old copyright issues :P
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    You're welcome, also remember this is new territory for the Windows store. I bet it will improve over time, what with their experience with NetFlix .
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,834
    Windows 11 Home (x64) Version 21H1 (build 19043.1202)

    If not have you tried Netflix they have loads it is not free but well worth the money and you can have it on up to 2-3 devices at a time, even on your smart phone
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    hTconeM9user said:
    If not have you tried Netflix they have loads it is not free but well worth the money and you can have it on up to 2-3 devices at a time, even on your smart phone
    I have got Netflix and I love it, though they don't have a lot of shows/movies i am looking for half the time. So I hope they'll add more stuff, personally i like buying stuff so i can download it and watch when I move or something.
      My Computer


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