Setting up OneDrive correctly on a PC...

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  1. Posts : 71
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H2 19044.1469

    Setting up OneDrive correctly on a PC...

    For some time, I have been using OneDrive on my 'phone (successfully, but limited to only a few files and photos).

    I've now tried to set it up on my Laptop, with a view to linking and uploading all my files - Documents, Pictures etc.

    However, in the setup 'wizard', I'm not presented with the option of linking any of the Folders on my Laptop - instead, I can only see the 2 existing folders that currently appear in my online OneDrive account (i.e. those which I originally set up from my 'phone).

    I'm not sure where to go from here, I've read the tutorials, but can't figure it out.

    Any suggestions, please?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    To get your current documents etc onto Onedrive its a manual process

    So in file explorer, click on the Documents folder under This PC and select everything in it, then move this to the documents folder on Onedrive

    Same for Music, Pictures etc
    Setting up OneDrive correctly on a PC...-onedrive-explorer.png

    Once you have moved everything into the Onedrive folders, these will all upload and stay in sync with whats on your PC

    If you want all future files to auto save there, right click Onedrive icon in the taskbar and select settings
    You need to go to this tab and select what you want auto saved to Onedrive
    Setting up OneDrive correctly on a PC...-onedrive-auto-save.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 71
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H2 19044.1469
    Thread Starter


    Thanks for your reply - isn't there a way of maintaining the original Documents Folder as the 'master' folder into which I save everything as usual, with just a link to OneDrive that will automatically upload any changes?

    Or, failing that, would I have to 'move/relocate' all my Folders into the One Drive Folder? And is there a downside to that?


    I don't like the 'Libraries' option, I want to save my files to their 'default' locations.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    There might be a way of tricking it into linking to the current location, but its not something I have looked at

    I moved everything of mine into the onedrive folder and then set the defaults in the onedrive app to save there, everything I create now automatically goes to the onedrive folder and is synced with the cloud

    Not aware of any downsides in doing this, the files are still stored locally, just have the added benefit of being on onedrive also

    The original locations on the PC as still there, so if you have anything confidential that you don't want to upload, you can just save it here instead
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,477

    You can change the location of your documents folder so it is in OneDrive.

    Right click on properties of the documents folder, location tab and change it to C:\Users\<name>\OneDrive\Documents.

    It will ask you if you want to move your existing content - just say yes.

    After that any time you select documents or OneDrive\Documents it will take you to the same place. You can do the same with Music, Photos etc also.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 71
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H2 19044.1469
    Thread Starter

    Thanks all, now sorted...
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 71
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H2 19044.1469
    Thread Starter

    Just a quick caveat to my 'solution' - Microsoft Outlook doesn't like the fact that its Data File is now in the OneDrive Folder and won't play ball at sending and receiving emails...I'm frantically trying to solve that now...
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5,477

    Peter B said:
    Just a quick caveat to my 'solution' - Microsoft Outlook doesn't like the fact that its Data File is now in the OneDrive Folder and won't play ball at sending and receiving emails...I'm frantically trying to solve that now...
    Don't think you can do that as Outlook locks the pst. Using OneDrive or Cloud Storage for PST Files
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 71
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H2 19044.1469
    Thread Starter

    Hi Halasz

    The only reason it's caused me a problem is because the default location for the Outlook Folder containing the .pst file is within the Documents Folder, which, of course, I'd linked to OneDrive.

    Later, I'm going to try and move the Outlook Folder up a level into my Username Folder and see what happens - it's supposed to be simple to do and easy to redirect Outlook to the new location...depending on which site you 'Google'...
      My Computer


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