Hi, thanks for a wonderful rescue disk.
How difficult is it to get teamviewer 12 in it?
Can I do that myself?
I have been trying a lot changin to Swedish language.
I have read about dism comands and a many hours spend to get it to work.
Is it possible?
As Kyhi says, Teamviewer 12 is not portable but TV6 is included. Problem is if you have TV12 (TV10+ I think) it will not talk to TV6 saying it need to be updated.
There is a neat facility Kyhi added at my request called ANYDESK (AnyDesk - Freeware download and reviews from SnapFiles) which is a simplified remote control application that does work with winpe. Actually works very well and is incredibly lightweight.
Thanks for link.
Think I understand how to add programs now but not shortcuts yet.
I also want to add Swedish language but that seems almost impossible.
Read a lot about dism and learned things I never know before,
I also have tried many dism commands but nothing works for me with Kyhi´s wim.boot
Works great when I try the winpe.wim in Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment
Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\en-us.
Does anybody have any clue?
Get DISM error 87 the add-package option is unknown
in dism with Kyhi´s boot.wim
Here is one of many sites I have read
and some dism command works in Kyli /Set-TimeZone: and some more
how to add language packs to WinPE > the language is not installed in the Windows image, the command will fail.