How do you remove those shortcut arrows from the desktop??
How do you remove those shortcut arrows from the desktop??
OK, sorry, I misunderstood.. You need to mount the ISO somewhere and then update the wim before you boot it (unless you want to write a batch file to run after).
It will take me a day or so to get it exactly as I'm going to make my dinner now but something like this (if you mount the ISO in F drive)
- Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath "F:\sources\boot.wim" -index 1 -Path "C:\Temp\mount"
- reg load HKLM\WinPE_SYSTEM C:\Temp\mount\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM
- reg load HKLM\WinPE_SOFTWARE C:\Temp\mount\windows\system32\config\SOFTWARE
- reg add HKLM\WinPE_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WlanSvc\bmr /ve[ (but the correct keys of course)
- some more, I have to look it up on google
- reg unload HKLM\WinPE_SYSTEM
- reg unload HKLM\WinPE_SOFTWARE
- Get-WindowsImage -Mounted -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $_.Path -Save -ErrorAction Stop}
Yup, ShowKey requires a minimum of .Net 4 client profile ... I'm looking into a .Net to Native compiler... MS has a nice tool for Universal apps but it does not support WinForms.
OK - now, me, not knowing a great deal about WinPE and what's causing the different behaviour
... are you guys enabling the .Net core components or installing the redist (client profile)... just thinking maybe the framework itself alters core system components...