User Account Control asks permission to run some programs, why?

  1. Posts : 33
    Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 10 Pro AU 1607, Linux Mint 17.4, Ubuntu 15.04 LTS

    User Account Control asks permission to run some programs, why?

    I have UAC set one level below default, most programs will run without asking permission, however, Auslogics Defrag and Malwarebytes amongst some others, always need permission to run. How do I give these programs permanent permission to run?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    toolman59 said:
    I have UAC set one level below default, most programs will run without asking permission, however, Auslogics Defrag and Malwarebytes amongst some others, always need permission to run. How do I give these programs permanent permission to run?
    Programs that get deeper into the system are riskier to it so additional permissions are required, in some cases setting them to always run "As administrator" may help.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 244
    Windows 10 Home

    I've also got my UAC set to one level below default, I would be interested to see which level most people put theirs.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,832
    MS Windows 10 Home

    CountMike said:
    Programs that get deeper into the system are riskier to it so additional permissions are required, in some cases setting them to always run "As administrator" may help.
    I would like to give Malwarebytes permission to run every 3 days. How can ADMIN rights do that ? tks
      My Computer


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