VLC Media Player Question?

  1. Posts : 17
    windows 10 pro

    VLC Media Player Question?

    Ok I know its a lot harder to change file type icons in windows 10 then in other versions of windows like the 8 or 8.1.

    So I was wondering if its possible to just change the file types for a specific program or through the program.

    For example I'm using the vlc media player version 2.2.1 its apparently the newest version.

    So here's what I was wondering I want to use the vlc to play .mp3 and .mp4 files. Most of my videos are .mp4 or .flv but all my music is .mp3.

    Is there a way to change just them 3 icons by using the vlc media player it self.

    For example when I downloaded the windows 10 I had upgraded from my 7 to 8 to 8.1 and then to windows 10.

    While I still had windows 8.1 I switched my file type icons for .mp3 and .flv and .mp4 files and they saved fine and then when I switched to windows 10 all of my music was being played in the groove player or what the hell ever is called. And then I switched all the .flv and .mp4 and .mp3 file to be played in vlc media player.

    So it switched to the ugly orange icon.

    Which means it switch the file type icons I was using to the orange icons.

    Is there away to switch from the orange icons to the other icons I choose.

    Odd question I know but I still had to ask.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,372
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, Gunners File Type Editor (just search for it, freeware) allows you to do that.
    Scroll down to the extension, double click on it, and you can change the icon in the 'Edit properties' window.

    (I don't know if your beautiful icon would be overwritten when you update VLC player)
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 6
    windows 10

    I am looking for the object code for windows using VLC media player on my website. ~just for audio ~ VLC was suggested by Microsoft. I found a code that was really long and wrong ~ lots of redundancy..it was poorly written. I know there is a shorter better version out there. I now have the object code for windows media play ~ that is now defunct ~ does not work on windows10~. So far, I have had minimal support and the wrong 800 number from microsoft for VLC. No 800 number on VLC website. No online chat. they did provide an email address. If Microsoft is not supporting windows 10 with an updated media player ~ it is really unfortunate. They have simply dropped the ball. Any help out there?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    irminator said:
    I am looking for the object code for windows using VLC media player on my website. ~just for audio ~ VLC was suggested by Microsoft. I found a code that was really long and wrong ~ lots of redundancy..it was poorly written. I know there is a shorter better version out there. I now have the object code for windows media play ~ that is now defunct ~ does not work on windows10~. So far, I have had minimal support and the wrong 800 number from microsoft for VLC. No 800 number on VLC website. No online chat. they did provide an email address. If Microsoft is not supporting windows 10 with an updated media player ~ it is really unfortunate. They have simply dropped the ball. Any help out there?
    @irminator Windows Media Player does work on Windows 10. Install or Uninstall Windows Media Player in Windows 10 Apps Features Tutorials
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 56,995
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    Just a visual to backup Steve's post. Latest and greatest!

    VLC Media Player Question?-2017-10-24_05h57_48.png
      My Computers


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