Yup, they have cleaned-out the Starter key eventually.
See if the new version helps:
Release ShowKeyPlus Version: 1.0.5809 · Superfly-Inc/ShowKeyPlus · GitHub
I can't replicate that error - It's coming from the MSDM table, but I think the key may be misplaced and the usual offset is nulled.
Please PM me an RW Everthing portable screen dump of the MSDM table.
Added 5809 to PESE and was able to cycle correctly through 8.1 and 10 on Host PC
I Sincerely Thank You - SUPERFLY
For the additional development (undertaken at my request) to use this program in PE
this was a question I received in regards to PESE
Attachment 50943I get this screen when the tool start and when it finds the win10 installation:
It's due to component incompatiblity with XP. This is additional info on that error:
It does get the key though:
I will have to suppress the error if XP keys are being retrieved.
Can you confirm that Vista and above are OK?
Fixed in latest pre-release: Release ShowkeyPlus Version: 1.0.5811 · Superfly-Inc/ShowKeyPlus · GitHub
Last edited by Superfly; 29 Nov 2015 at 08:09.
as you said 5809 screens pulled Null, XP, win7, null and win10 keys on one host
and win8.1, win10 on another
I'm fishing for Vista feedback and feedback on 5811
After a few botched releases with versions 5812 & 5814...(the guys at softpedia had a hard time keeping up)...
Version 1.0.5815 will be the final for the year (barring any showstoppers)
Happy holidays everybody (those that are on annual hols)
(BTW a guy on a German forum reported that I was reading backups to get the original key, which is illegal (obviously)... that's not the case, just to set the record straight)